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Help me pick a new addition

Hi, I'm in search of another fish to put into my 45 cube. 24x24x18, so I know No tangs allowed.
I current have:
Clown fish
Malenarus (sp) wrasse
Yellow Assessor
Yellow watchmen goby
Purple firefish

Not sure what would help round out the tank. I was alway interested in Anthia's but I hear you must feed it multiple times a day to be happy.

Anyone have any suggestion?
Kaudern's Cardinal?
Scissor Tail Dart Fish?
Royal Gramma?
Red Stripe Hogfish?
Maybe a Lemon Peel or Coral Beauty Agnel depending on what corals you have in there.
I love my Longnose Hawkfish, but you cannot have any shrimp with him.

I have a pistol shimp paired with the goby, and 3 peppermint shimp which I am very close to removing from the tank. So watch out for the post as I will probably be giving at least 2 away.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
If you are not looking for a new fish you could pair up the clown fish or the yellow assesor. If you are looking for a new fish, I agree the bangaii cardinals are a good reef safe fish that swim out in the open (just get tank raised). Another option is a tail spot blenny which is an active attractive fish that stays small. I love my barnacle blennies, but they are small so depending on what you are looking for they might not fit. Another good fish is a sunburst anthia which is supposed to be kept as a single so you can get just one. You could get away with a dwarf angel, but there is no guarentee that it won't eat your corals and they can be aggressive.

My 45g Right now:
Pair of clowns (black and white)
Pair of bangaii cardinals
False Shepardi angel (very very very lucky this guy does not nip at corals)
Yellow watchman
I doubt a hawkfish would have any chance of consuming a pistol shrimp that has a goby at the entrance. Unless you're saying the goby is seriously undersized for defending the burrow.
Someone recommended a pair of hawaiian wrasse. They are really pretty, anyone have experience with them?
Are you referring to a pair of Hawaiian flame wrasses? Or Hawaiian cleaner wrasses?
IMHO, a 45 g cube is too small for either of those fish. Cleaner wrasses have a tendency to starve to death captivity, and flame wrasses are fairy wrasses, they get to over 4". Darren has a pair of flame wrasses in his tank if you want the opinion of someone who has kept the fish.
Hawaiian flame wrasse was the recommendation. I guess I'll have to keep researching. Thanks for the heads up.
Choice and decisions. Maybe I'll just look for another clown for now to go with hawkeye's.

Thanks everyone for the input.