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Help with Identifaction please

Ok, so this is the wrong that I got from a fellow NJRC member and there are some interesting things going on. First I have what looks like a thick white coating that is growing on the rocks and it is not putting out white feeders of some sorts! You can barley see them in the pic but in person you can see them just fine. I have no idea what it could be. See below. I know the pictures are bad though.

I also have some BRIGHT green things growing by it. They are very small and in the same picture.


Also, I got some mushrooms for free. Sad to say that I used to have one that looked like what Will has in his store but it disappeared. I told people to come and get them before the fish ate them! I do have some plain purple ones still. See below:


Now check out this next one. This looks like Ricordia I guess but I have never had any so I don't really know. There is one on the top of the right that has bright green in it and I don't really know what it is but the other two or just brown.

FUN FUN! I found the Macro setting on my camera. It is still not nearly as great as others but it will help with the ID I think. Check this pic out. This shows the bright green stuff AND the white stuff with tentacles.

I think i had some of those white tanslucent things when my tank first started. Seems like they were hallow inside and they eventually disappeared.
white I"m guessing some sort of sponge, I have strange spongey type things new popping up all the time still in my over a year old aquapod.

The green is to hard to see, but does it look like bubble algae? Google it and see since that's my first guess for anything green and small popping up, unless its a macro of some sort.
So it is a sponge but should I keep it or get rid of it??????

Also, the bright green is almost like a neon green. I was thinking about bubble alge also but it is very bright. Any ideas on that one?
If it is neon green, does it "grow" from a white tube? Doues it look like this:

then it is Neomeris annulata

By the way, what is that fish on the third pic? Some kind of trigger?
mladencovic said:
If it is neon green, does it "grow" from a white tube? Doues it look like this:

then it is Neomeris annulata

By the way, what is that fish on the third pic? Some kind of trigger?

Yep, it is a trigger al right but I really don't know what type! (I know, I am bad with that.)

I have had the pictures of what you are showing me before and I have not seen these things grow up so I really don't know. They do look like they are soft though. I guess I will know more as they grow.
Pineapple sponges are harmless from what i have read. I think they kinda come and go. I had them then they kinda dissappeared.
Sam..Trigger Fish could be a Huma (Picasso); a Rectangle: and possibly a Red Sea Assasi. The key is in the side markings which are very different for all three. Go to marinecenter.com. Under their "fish" tab, click "triggers". They have 20+ shown in pictures.

The sponges is one of the Clathrina and are fine to keep, they are just filter feeders. These are not the ones we call Pineapple or Q-Tip sponges

The fish in question is a Picasso Trigger, no doubt about that. Look at the yellow on the eye, the others do not have that. And those Ricordea in question are more likely Rhodactis.

And I think mladen may be right on the algae