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Help with my fish

Hey guys,

I have an angelfish that has white ?fungus? around it's dorsal fin area and it's forehead area.

The fish is visiting my cleaner shrimp but looks like the shrimp isn't doing too much.

The fish is swimming but not looking to happy.

I'm sure I need something like pimafix or Melafix... the problem is I don't know which one.

Also I have a 10 gallon tank to treat it in. Is that big enough?

Thanks in advance for the help.


NJRC Member
Do you have a picture? Do you soak the food with Garlic extreme? I had an angel that had a fuzzy looking spot on it and with the Garlic it went away after a few weeks.

What kind/size angel?

I have a 20g high or maybe a long if that will help.

I've not used the medications you mentioned, so I can't comment. Boost the angel's immune system by adding garlic to the food.
It's a watanabe 4.5-5 inches (i got last week) ... put her in a 10gallon Hospital Tank and put some pimafix and melafix together. It has a 10gallon wisper filter on it and a heater. No powerhead.

She has redness in her face and white fungus that is peeling.

I used the same water from my tank in the hospital tank.

In the display tank she was swimming and in the hospital tank she is lying down. not sure what to do at this point.

I don't have a picture right now but i'll try to take one and post it incase someone knows what I can do.

sorry the pics are big

Uh.. where? lol I think I am getting old and going blind. I don't see anything.. Nice looking fish otherwise.
Hey Mike,

I was just surfing RC and I'm not seeing a lot of Pimafix/Melafix fans.

I was going to suggest Maroxy, I've used this one in the past.

Also I'm concerned about oxygen in such a small tank. Add an airstone if possible. You certainly don't want to overhand the sick fish, but again I have the 20's if you want to give him more room.
Not being able to see anything I cannot search for the proper resolution, but here are some ideas

(past week) started to show areas of white to off-white small patches on the anal and lateral fins. The white spots don't appear to look like anything I've seen or read concerning ICH or Velvet so I was thinking they might be fungus. Any info you could provide on diagnosis and/or treatment is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much, your book and website are superb! Adam Farkas
<Adam... fungus is unlikely, but buy and feed antibacterial medicated flake food to help out just in case. Many water quality parameters besides Nitrogenous components can cause scratching/glancing... do a series of small frequent water changes to see if that could be the case (dilution is the solution to pollution...aiee!). I think it is more likely that the fish have gill parasites. Pick up antiparasitic medicated food at the same time and feed as per instructions (feed full term). If stabilization or improvement is not evidenced within days from meds and water changes... be prepared to remove fish to a quarantine tank for medication.

Well, I spoke too soon. After being in the q-tank for 1 week, one Tomato Clown came down with a fungus. Located right below the dorsal fin, it appears as a "white fuzz". I take this is the dreaded clownfish disease?
<Hmmm. The clownfish disease (Brooklynella parasite) usually looks more like a bunch of soft, translucent, dead skin or mucus peeling/flaking off the fish. Gross. This sounds more like a fungus.>
So I went tooling through WWM and found some answers to my questions. I will begin treating all three fish (2 Tomato Clowns/1 Six Line Wrasse) with a freshwater dip in Methylene. The Wrasse also appears to have a little white fuzz. There is one question that I could not find an answer. What is the duration of the dip (1 week, 2 weeks, etc.)?
<The duration of the dip is 5 minutes max for the wrasse, around 10 for the clowns.>
Then what is the frequency of the dip (every day, every other, etc.)?
<Don't haul those fish out and dump them in a bucket more than once every 48 hours. It's really not fun for them at all.>
I am also planning to do a partial water change every day or at least every other.
<Very, very good idea. You can also treat the entire quarantine tank with the Blue.>
Now here is my big question, how much longer do they need to stay in q-tank?
<Until you haven't seen any trace of the disease for 14 days straight.>
Thanks as always for your help. I think my brown bottle tab just went up again.
<I don't drink, but I'm sure Bob will be happy to collect! -Lorenzo>
<Oh yes! Bob F>

Just some ideas.. I will see if I find anything specifically related to angels.

HI Guys
<Good morning, JasonC here...>
I have been QT'ing a new Majestic for 6 days and noticed that his mouth (lips) looked swollen, puffy but still pinkish almost raw. I hadn't noticed it before. Could this be the beginning of a fungus infection? <Or just physical damage from something else.> I only have a large PVC pipe in the tank so he couldn't have cut himself on coral or anything like that. I began treatment with Melafix. Is this the proper treatment? <Probably not directly - Melafix fits into the category of homeopathic remedies and has not been used/documented by the sciences as being useful. I'd make sure, above all, that this fish is eating and that the water quality in the quarantine system is excellent. In fact, this is the type of fish that usually won't do well in an extended quarantine, so if it is otherwise doing well [no parasitic problems] AND eating, put the fish through a pH-adjusted freshwater dip, and put it in the main display. In any case, the damage will heal over time, but these fish are not easy in the early stages.>
Thanks as always
<Cheers, J -- >
try soaking the food with Garlic extreme, you will caused more stress by moving them to the other tank which is not good when fish are allready ill. Good luck and I hope they get better.
Has anyone used Kick Ich ? I just lost a kole tang to ich and wanted to treat the tank. He was stressed since i go him and susceptible. The cleaner shrimp could not keep up. All other inhabitants seem OK. I was going to treat with Kick ich just in case it might help kill any parasites during the free swimming stage.

Does this still make sense ? Should I turn off the skimmer ?
I used Kick ick with Garlic extreme and it worked for me. The thing I like is that it's the only ick treatment that is safe for corals.