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Hole in 40b sump

So first of all my bad for now testing beforehand. It was stupid but I forgot.
And then I paid for it.
While testing system for leaks I sure found one. It's a a literal hole in the bottom corner. It looks huge in the pic of course. I'd say touch under 1/4".
Can I just fill this with silicone and call it good? Its gonna suck to have to pull these baffles and redo this thing.
What say the community?

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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If this was me id replace tank unless you are confident to put on a glass patch .
If this was me id replace tank unless you are confident to put on a glass patch .
I'm leaning to replacement but the work involved to pull these baffles I may try to plug first. A glass patch is not possible in that location. Which is why I was thinking silicone. I know the area around the bare glass will adhere just fine. The area where there is already silicone is the issue. Not sure how silicone shears to cured silicone.

The hole is actually about 1/8"

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diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
I wouldn't chance it. One day it could come undone while your not home.
My experience in salt water is useless as I am a complete nube. However I have had more freshwater fish than most will in a lifetime. SILICONE IT. It will hold. I have removed silicone and resiliconed many tanks. Silicone stickes to two things glass and itself. If you are brave and can cut a little away you will have better adhesion.
Spoke to soon without reading all post. Never mind. Hahahaha. Sorry glad they replaced. That’s definitely best