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How big should my clean up crew be?

I have noe 3 snails and 1 blue legged hermit crab in my tank. Should I have more. I heard its every 2 gal for 1 snail and 4 gal for crabs. Should I get more and where? In animals and things their way expensive. I ordered my snails from a site a friend showed me, ill post it up when i find it. I got 10 snails and 3 reular snails. (im not sure of the 10 snails but they are the kind that burrow in the sand and pop up during feeding time, i thought that was so cool) but the 10 i got, none survived. I put them in the tank and they just sat there not moving from the same spot till this day today. They were shipped so i thought it was kind of wierd getting snails in the mail. Is it the same for corals and fish, will they die to?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
A lot of that is personal preference. I like to buy 1 Astrea/Turbo per gallon and one nassarius per 4g. I like one BLH per 4-5g as well. Throw in some Red leg hermits to round it out. But that's just my preference. You'll know by the algae in your tank. If rocks start getting fuzzy you need more astrea. Otherwise you're probably fine.
snails have to be acclimated VERY slowly to your tank, buy yourself a speciman container (about 10.00) hang it inside your tank, add the snails with the water they came in, let them sit for 20 min, then keep adding tiny amounts of tank water. It usually takes me about 4 hours to acclimate snails. Save yourself the aggravation of the blue hermits, they are muderers, spend the extra money and get the red ones. You will be constanly adding to your clean up crew since they seem to dissappear or get aducted by aliens! Go slow.