I have noe 3 snails and 1 blue legged hermit crab in my tank. Should I have more. I heard its every 2 gal for 1 snail and 4 gal for crabs. Should I get more and where? In animals and things their way expensive. I ordered my snails from a site a friend showed me, ill post it up when i find it. I got 10 snails and 3 reular snails. (im not sure of the 10 snails but they are the kind that burrow in the sand and pop up during feeding time, i thought that was so cool) but the 10 i got, none survived. I put them in the tank and they just sat there not moving from the same spot till this day today. They were shipped so i thought it was kind of wierd getting snails in the mail. Is it the same for corals and fish, will they die to?