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How is your fuge plumbed in?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
In another thread Jun asked:
can you give me advice how to plumb my refugium to my tank

I thought I'd give the topic its own thread! So do tell. How are you plumbed?!

I'll start. Right now my 120 tank is a RR with an overflow into a wet/dry. Water is fed from there through my UV and into my fuge. The fuge is placed higher than the wet/dry and the water is gravity fed back to the wet/dry.

In my 65 I have the macro just hanging around in a tupperware bowl/strainer in the sump, but that tank is still seriously work in process (just moved my 30 contents into the 60).


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
C'mon... that can't be the best way! I know you all have fuges (well except for you, Merv)! You all don't want him following my setup, do you? Give the guy some options!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Well..I dont have a fuge either. I used to use an Aquaclear 300 with some macro algae and LR but gave up on that. I am too nervous to add one to my wetdry.. Although I would really like too. My mandarin needs more pods!!

So c'mon people help me out here! There has to be a simple way to do this. I can post pics of my set up if anyone is willing to give me some direction.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
my fuge is integrated into my sump and is gravity fed from the overflow plumbing and gravity discharges over a wall into a chamber with the return pump.


The plumbing has been modified a little since installation.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Either you REALLY REALLY like Reef Central. or your pics didn't load properly. ;)


you can see the pics rich, but we can't. load it in here or in photobucket. RC won't let you use their storage for pics except for their site.

I know, I know Phyl..... I gave up on the fuge thing. can't seem to keep anything alive except SPS :)