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How to make water crystal clear

Hey guys,
I'm having a problem with foggy water (can only tell when looking from the side) and i never had this problem with my 20gal so I'm assuming it's because i used sugar size sand compared to the crush coral stuff. So i ordered a intank filter just to help with the surface scum. It's done a great job with the surface stuff, But i was kinda hoping it'd help with my foggy water. I've been looking at media to add to the filter but i'm not sure whats the best bang for the buck. I was looking at filter floss and micro filter pads. So i'm just wondering what you guys have used or heard of that will help with my fogginess.

Thank you!
There can be several causes of cloudy water.

If the tank is new, you'll often get this from the sandbed. If its only slight, just leave things along, and it will go away once the tank is cycled. The bacteria film that forms over everything kind of acts like glue and traps even very fine particulate matter.

The other source of cloudy water is a bacteria bloom. In a new tank this can occur on it's own, because everything is getting established and there is usually some die off. In an established tank it's usually a serious problem and that something big had died and you haven't found and removed it.

There are mechanical filtration systems you can get like a Diatom filter, and they can filter out very fine material, but they are something you will seldom use, and usually not worth the money.
Alright so it's most likely from my sand which i figured. The tank is pretty new just didn't remember having this probblem my other tank.



Use a felt filter sock and clean it regularly. You'd be amazed the stuff it will pull out. In addition, you could also use a Hang On filter to polish the water. If you have organics in the water, Carbon, Chemipure and good skimming will help but Ozone will be the best.
Not sure if this helps,but what I have used and like alot is Purigen by seachem,better than carbon(doesnt lower ph) and you can renew it with bleach,then rinse with water and let it sit in some prime for 24 hrs.Gets the water crystal clear.. hope this helped
I had the same problem.. went to the lfs and they told me crushed coral is great with buffer addiive and all that.. that I had to wash it out first to remove all the white film blah blah blah.. tank remained cloudy like crazy ... emptied out the crush coral and went bare bottom.. crush coral also is a nutrient disaster..
Johan said:
I had the same problem.. went to the lfs and they told me crushed coral is great with buffer addiive and all that.. that I had to wash it out first to remove all the white film blah blah blah.. tank remained cloudy like crazy ... emptied out the crush coral and went bare bottom.. crush coral also is a nutrient disaster..

Crushed coral is a disaster with everything, IMO. Never liked it even if it does look pretty natural.