About to take the leap and hook up a hob overflow and sump/refuge on my 50g
I've always had a aquaclear HOB filter on it where I put carbon/chemipure/purigen. I'll be losing the HOB now to make room for the overflow but I'm wondering how I can still use chemical filtration with a sump? Water should be flowing through the pouches correct? So just tossing them in there won't likely do much good... could I make use of the baffle area or is that ruining the purpose of them. Should I put the aquaclear filter on the sump?
Thanks, sorry about all the questions I'm sure I'll have a zillion more soon
I've always had a aquaclear HOB filter on it where I put carbon/chemipure/purigen. I'll be losing the HOB now to make room for the overflow but I'm wondering how I can still use chemical filtration with a sump? Water should be flowing through the pouches correct? So just tossing them in there won't likely do much good... could I make use of the baffle area or is that ruining the purpose of them. Should I put the aquaclear filter on the sump?
Thanks, sorry about all the questions I'm sure I'll have a zillion more soon