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I just saw a $900 fish...

A few weeks ago they had a 2500 dollar fish, I forget the name, an angel of some sort. The guy working said they sold about 10 of them so far! Is that insane!?


NJRC Member
Goto absolute fish in clifton they have a #3499.00 Clarion Angel in stock...Saw it friday night awsome looking fish.
Duh, yeah that clarion was what I was talking about, and its 3500!!! Totally didnt mention it was at Abs. haha. Anyway yeah they sold 10 so 35000 on fish! WHat do you think tey get them for like 1500 or so?


NJRC Member
I dont think they are getting the Clarions for that little ($1500.00 wholesale) by the time they pay cities and the Mexican government to allow them to be collected and "deported" they are probably only makeing a few hundred on the fish.
it is a pretty looking fish---would be a nice addition to anyone's tank---
cept for the price :eek:
imagine finding THAT baby on the floor in the morning---would screw up your whole week !!!
They must make more than a few hundred. They prob make more to cover the loss if one dies, Like all the other fish they sell. They usually pay about 40% of what they sell for in the store. I know this cause a Lfs told me today actually he pay's 40 for a bluespot jawfish, they sell for over a hundred. I just can't see them keeping a fish that costs thousands to make a few hundred. Just my opinion though I'd like to find out more


Nickjr000 said:
They must make more than a few hundred. They prob make more to cover the loss if one dies, Like all the other fish they sell. They usually pay about 40% of what they sell for in the store. I know this cause a Lfs told me today actually he pay's 40 for a bluespot jawfish, they sell for over a hundred. I just can't see them keeping a fish that costs thousands to make a few hundred. Just my opinion though I'd like to find out more
reef to reptiles was and still is selling bluespot jawfish for around 60 bucks...