As the winter approached, I decided I could increase the length of lights on the T5s - to spur more growth on my SPS.
Tri-color validia (maybe purple bonsai) frags went into RTN. It was weird - the yellow polyps would still glow at night, but the purple completely recessed into white.
The mother colony was fine though.
Then one day the mother colony showed signs of problems. In the past it would recover but this time it went into full RTN.
The weird thing though is the ORA red table, monitpora undata, idaho grape cap, orange cap, superman monti/reverse superman monti - all appear to actually be growing/increasing in size.
Anyways - I just wanted to share that the tank has it's ups and downs - and it's certainly very disappointing to see this piece go RTN (original piece was from mikenapoli's old tank). I had frags originally prepped to give so that there would be a back-up but now that's too late. Sigh. I guess the frag swap comes at a good time - got to find something to replace this piece.
top down shot - before RTN

I was really stupid for tinkering with the lights - I should have done it gradually but I went full blast as I was rushing thru things. This piece even survived my LED/Solaris lights. Oh well - i think *think* one of the LFS still has this piece in their display. Maybe I can get a frag again.
Tri-color validia (maybe purple bonsai) frags went into RTN. It was weird - the yellow polyps would still glow at night, but the purple completely recessed into white.
The mother colony was fine though.
Then one day the mother colony showed signs of problems. In the past it would recover but this time it went into full RTN.
The weird thing though is the ORA red table, monitpora undata, idaho grape cap, orange cap, superman monti/reverse superman monti - all appear to actually be growing/increasing in size.
Anyways - I just wanted to share that the tank has it's ups and downs - and it's certainly very disappointing to see this piece go RTN (original piece was from mikenapoli's old tank). I had frags originally prepped to give so that there would be a back-up but now that's too late. Sigh. I guess the frag swap comes at a good time - got to find something to replace this piece.
top down shot - before RTN

I was really stupid for tinkering with the lights - I should have done it gradually but I went full blast as I was rushing thru things. This piece even survived my LED/Solaris lights. Oh well - i think *think* one of the LFS still has this piece in their display. Maybe I can get a frag again.