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I could use a dremel for some little projects around the house, things on the tanks, crafts... nothing "major" and would love any recommendations, I was looking at a few different kits on amazon and really have no idea, is the 300 series a good one for basic needs?
I have been using the 400 series for years. It has many attachments available. I have used it from small intricate model work to planing doors and as a rotozip. I wouldn't trade it for the world
I heard the "XPR" ones kinda stink, so I bought the regular corded variable speed one. There are some things that you can do with a dremel that I would have a hard time doing with other tools, at least doing as well. The cutoff wheels are very helpful. I will probably buy a cordless model for fragging once my SPS take off a bit. Now if only they made a waterproof one you could use in the tank....
Be sure to budget for an assortment of tips,or buy a package deal.
Thanks guys! The 400 was out of my price range and I also read reviews that the newest models weren't up to the quality of the older ones. I ended up going to Lowes today and picked up a 300 (came with a little table thing which might come in handy at some point and since it was on clearance it was cheaper then the one I was looking at on amazon anyways). Now I just have to figure out how to use it and what part to use to cut some of the plastic inside the rear of my biocube to increase the flow into the 2nd chamber to create a fuge.
I checked and in theory the flexible tip and many of the newer accessories (besides the XPR ones) will fit the 300 series.
Pretty excited actually, I do all the small home repairs around here and do a bunch of craft type projects with my daughter so this should get a lot of use.
My husband says I'm an odd one, when I asked for rocks for Christmas I meant actual rock (LR) and then I bought myself a dremel and am gushing over it LOL
from what i have experienced dremmel has done well to keep use of old attachments, and anything you can fit in the chuck is fair game for use. but my only recommendation would have bean to get any one with a cord.
Got mine at Lowes on clearance for $63, doesn't have a case but figure I'll just use one of those little rubbermade containers to keep everything in. Hopefully the "table" ends up being useful for small crafts and projects.