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In market for new fish

It time to get a few fish in my tank I'm gonna get a few Bartlett Anthias , powder blue tang , yellow wrasse , Labout 's fairy wrasse emperor angelfish.

Now I know all are reef safe except the Emperor he's a reef caution fish. Now my question is.
Has anyone owned a emperor in a reef tank with sucess?


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Most (if not all) large angels will pick at corals. I have seen plenty in reef tanks but usually with large colonies of SPS that it does not matter if they pick a bit. LPS they could destroy it will depend on the fish. You just have to weigh the cost of the fish vs how much the corals cost and what you like more.
I would agree with Mike on the Emperor. I would only add him if you already accept the fact that there is a good chance of losing corals. Not knowing what other fish you have in the 150g makes it hard to suggest what you should get. So, what do you have already?

I would agree with Mike on the Emperor. I would only add him if you already accept the fact that there is a good chance of losing corals. Not knowing what other fish you have in the 150g makes it hard to suggest what you should get. So, what do you have already?

Steve I only have a 2 yellow tangs , 1 b/g chromis , 1 coral beauty , 1 bluesided wrasse , 1 Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse that's it.
There is a guy on here "premnas" His tank is full of large angels and tons of coral. Sarch for his posts and you will see pictures.

I would not want to risk it...
Herbie also had luck with angels. You saw his tank great color but little PE.

I just got back from NJ Reef Farm & in Matt's tank he just added a emp angel and so far so good but its only been a short time.
IMG_0516.jpgIMG_0518.jpgIMG_0521.jpgIMG_0524.jpgWhat works for some, may not work for others. I keep Angels in my reef. 1 Emp., 1 Asfur, 1 Queen ( She snacks on my Lytophytons, that's why I have so many), 1 Blueline, 1 Rescued Majestic( Still with me) and a Potters. The Emp. bothers nothing, except my hand, when adding anything to the tank you can see it on their faces, well this is new, let's taste it. Some things I just can't keep, Clams and Welso's come to mind, maybe I need a bigger tank, the 210 is starting to look cramped. All kidding aside, I've kept 3 different Emps in 3 different reefs with nary a problem. Go for it! Here's some pic's.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
No fish is reef safe. Even tangs can turn on corals. Wrasses can eat snails. I have zoster butterflies sold as reef safe and they love SPS :)
Premnas I ordered a juvenile emperor. Hopefully he'll never get the itch of eating corals since he a juvenile. Wish me luck.
All the advice you've received should be considered, these folks have your best interests at heart. That's why I love this site, real people, real experiences, the truth. I gave you my experience with several Emp's, good luck with your Emp. Keep me posted as to how things are going, I'll give you all the help I can. Angel's In Reefs are a good thing. " For them ". It's where they belong, other than the ocean. If I find one in a crap situation, he's mine, into a reef and let him go. Too many people have no clue what it takes to keep an Angel, too many Angels die needlessly, I've spent the better part of 30 years in the salt side of this wonderful hobby, Angels need a PROPER home, IMO, a reef tank is it.
Angel's I've kept in my reefs
Asfur Perfect, just a grumpy sob
Blueface- Ate all Zoa's
Bluering Ate everything
Blueline Perfect resident, still have one
Coral Beauty Suspect
Emperor Perfect still have one
Flame uspect
French (Juv) Perfect
Multicolor Suspect
Passer Perfect but MEAN
Queen Love mine, 4 years old, tastes anything, not recommended
Venustus Perfect, still have one

Queen Tastes most anything, minimal damage, unless she really likes it, don't add
Personifer Perfect
Potter's Several, all were excellent, still have one


NJRC Member
I had an Asfur for 15 years. Best fish bargain ever - $27 @ 2.5". It picked on Zoos and Acans. Never saw if bothering Xenia, toadstools, mushrooms, Nepthea or any SPS. I wouldn't put any LPS in with it.