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Is a CA Reactor Needed?

I have decided to switch the direction of my tank from SPS to Zooanthinds, mushrooms and LPS. I am doing this to help make the hobby more enjoyable for me. Do you think I will have a need for a CA reactor for the LPS? I was considering setting up automatic waterchanges instead to keep parameters in check as it seems water changes are needed quite often anyway. Just wanted to get everyones opinion before I remove the reactor. I also have a 6" maxima clam.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I would keep it, even though you might not feel you need all that calcium in the tank the main thing is it will help you keep your calc and alk parameters steady which is still important for zoas and LPS.


I would keep it, even though you might not feel you need all that calcium in the tank the main thing is it will help you keep your calc and alk parameters steady which is still important for zoas and LPS.

Totally agree...