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Is my skunk cleaner shrimp in danger if I add a pistol shrimp (Alpheus randalli)

I couldn't pass up on the goby/shrimp pair Michael @ NYaquatic.com was offering so I ordered them (getting on Tuesday). However they are intended for my 24g aquapod which is already home to my much loved skunk cleaner shrimp... I just heard that pistols may kill a cleaner shrimp??? I don't want to risk my cleaner shrimp if this is true, however my only other tank the pair could go into is my 70g where every shrimp/crab I put in turns up dead very shortly after (my 6 line or very large star are suspected) and I wouldn't want my new pistol killed either... ideas? Which is the safer choice or should I be setting up a new 5g for the new goby & pistol?
Re: Is my skunk cleaner shrimp in danger if I add a pistol shrimp (Alpheus randa

I believe there are others on the forum who have pistols with other shrimp with no issues....

I believe the only risk with the pistol in the 5g would be if after it built the burrow, the skunk attempted to enter.

I'd vote for putting them in the 5g...a skunk cleaner (i believe) lives in captivity for only about 4 years or so...
Re: Is my skunk cleaner shrimp in danger if I add a pistol shrimp (Alpheus randa

Well if they go in the same tank it would be my 24g aquapod where the cleaner shrimp already lives, if I was risking my cleaner with that living situation then the pistol/goby could chance it in my 70g or I could just set up a 5g nano for them...
Re: Is my skunk cleaner shrimp in danger if I add a pistol shrimp (Alpheus randa

ooops - misread that...definitely go for the 24g. Unless the cleaner is dumb enough to go into the burrow, I don't see it as a problem.