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iTzJu's Out of the Hobby Sale!


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Just kidding!! ;)

It's really more like, iTzJu's Funding For A New Tank Sale!

Everything will be located in 07208.

AGA 90 RR Tank $120 - tank is currently up and running but will be available after the first week of March.
55 Gallon Non-RR $50 - Back is painted black
Eshopps PSK-200 Gen II Skimmer w/ extra mesh impeller $150
Eshopps PSK-100 Gen II Skimmer $75
AquaC Urchin Skimmer Body Only $50 - I can't find the collection cup, you can purchase a new one for $30.
CPR CS100 Overflow $25 - has cracks on the rear and front - however does not affect it's functionality.
BeamsWork 48" Quad EVO 3w LED Lighting w/ hanging kit. $150 - Used since November from 1pm-10pm., will be available after the first week of march.
Aqueon Evolve 4 $50 - *Brand New* I was planning a pico setup but decided to focus on the new upcoming build.

Help me fund my new tank! :)

Thanks guys, I am open to any questions you may have.
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Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
haha thanks guys, hopefully I can sell some of these to get my new tank going.

Here are some photos taken right now of the 90 gallon.



for reference on the tank for sale.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
PRICE CUT on skimmers!!! NJRC MEMBERS ONLY!! I need these gone guys!

Eshopps PSK-200 Gen II Skimmer w/ extra mesh impeller $125
Eshopps PSK-100 Gen II Skimmer $50
AquaC Urchin Skimmer Body Only $30 - I can't find the collection cup, you can purchase a new one for $30.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Tank is pending and light is pending!

make me offers on the skimmers, I want them gone! heck, I might even trade for some nice frags!


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
90 Gallon and Lights are gone!

bump for some awesome skimmers!

make me offers.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
55 Gallon Non-RR $50 - Back is painted black
Eshopps PSK-100 Gen II Skimmer $75
AquaC Urchin Skimmer Body Only $50 - I can't find the collection cup, you can purchase a new one for $30.
CPR CS100 Overflow $25 - has cracks on the rear and front - however does not affect it's functionality.
Aqueon Evolve 4 $50 - *Brand New* I was planning a pico setup but decided to focus on the new upcoming build.

All this is still available!