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Landload ripping up plaster walls

My lease ends in a month and a half an my landlord decided they want to rip out all of the duct work and replace it. The walls are all old horsehair plaster walls. So as you can guess I am very happy. They won't wait until I leave, so I am going to have to start moving stuff now into storage so all of my crap doesn't get ruined.

My tank is on the one side of the wall that has the main feed to the house, so I am sure it is going to get very contaminated. My fish are in a a separate 30 gal QT tank right now so they will be ok, but what do I do about my main tank? Does anyone have any ideas.
No, the house I am moving into is still getting renovated. I don't want to move the tank twice in one month. I was going to move the tank on the 16th of May. So far my best option is to move it into the kitchen however I am worried about cleaning products being used around it.


NJRC Member
how big of tank is it? The worst part is things die when you mess with them. if your carefull you won't loss as much but be prepared to loss some.
Mbodell said:
75 with a 30 sump. I know and I really don't want to stress everything out twice.

Is it sitting on a carpet? If not, I'd suggest stuffing at least 4 of those furniture moving pads underneath. Believe it or not, you will be able to ever so gently and carefully move the tank around with those. I should know because my husband and son moved my ex 75 with 30 gallon sump around. :)
I forgot to mention that my husband used a regular car jack to up the tank just enough to get those furniture moving thingies underneath. ;D

Good luck. Please let us know how you make out.
if you still have 1.5 months left and they are creating enough dust and debris to make it "un-liveable" conditions. you(legally) do NOT need to pay rent for that time. anything that gets damaged is the responsibility of the landlord. if old ductwork(depending on how old)is being ripped out, this can also create a health hazard. thereore, creating a health code violation as well!

it would be a good idea to look into these!
yeah I was thinking about that too. She is now telling saying "oh well they are only going to do one room at a time and they will clean up when when they are done so it won't be a problem" The walls are old horsehair plaster, so I can't even imagine whats in the wall. I am just going to tell her that I am having company over every time she tries to schedule something.
i actually am a landlord and know a little about this situation. there are many laws out there, too many for me to actually memorize, but this would make it "uninhabitable"(thats the legal term i was looking for).ok, so they are doing one room at a time, thats fine if you are only renting one room in a house, but if you pay rent for a whole unit(house, condo, apartment)then it pretty much is your house for that lease term! in which case, you are paying for a product(a whole apartment, condo, or house)and if you are not getting that product, you dont pay.