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I have a 250w HQI with two PC actinic blue lights on my tank. I was wondering what I can do to get my corals to fluoresce more. I see they sell blue, white, purple PC bulbs online. Would I get better results with one blue and one purple bulb. Any info would help. Thanks.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
For the corals to fluoresce more, you should use the Actinic 03 (420nm) bulb.

Although that 250w HQI could be washing out the PC's. You could try a higher kelvin HQI bulb (12 - 14k) to help out the GLOW.

I think a lot of it is trial and error. I've heard people getting the same spectrum bulb by a different manufacturer and everyting in the tank looked different.

For power-compacts, the purple-ish bulbs are actually not a true actinic. They are 7100K, which has a broader spectrum and hence more "usuable" light for coral. Actinic-03 is strictly 420-460nm (blue) and will make the coral colors "pop" more, especially after the halides shut off. Since actinic-03 are only a single spectrum, it's more for aesthetics than for coral growth/health.