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Live rock covered in Aiptasia...

Well i'm braking down my 20gal tomorrow and most of my live rock is covered in Aiptasia anemones... (gave up on getting rid of them)
So i'm wondering what to do with it, Since i don't wanna stick them in my 55gal right now. My plan was to just stick it in a container in the garage then just cure it after it's all dead. Is there anything else to do with it? Some are over 2.5"
I'm not in a hurry to use it.
Any advice?

Thank you,

Just get Joes Juice and cover the rocks in it.. I actually do this to my coral skeletons NOT THE FLESH before I put them in my tank. A little goes a long way.. then I just leave the coral in the air for a couple minutes or the rock for as long as you want.. rinse and put it in your tank.. Continues to work for me.
Boil it, bake it, dry it out.

Don't matter. If you like the shape then just kill it and it will "liven" up when you add it to your new set up.
I though of that what do you do just boil it on the stove then stick it on a cookie sheet and put it in the oven?
That'd take alot of Joes Juice... I do use it though, i used it on my open brains skeleton because there was one and i hope it works.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Stick it in the Microwave for 10 minutes, rinse in cold water, and its ready for your tank.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Lots of people do it. I've done it plenty times myself. I only took out 1 rock every 2 days and put it right back in. Did this repetedly till I had all new rock. Never a change in my testings.
Alright I'll have to think about that. Hmm So all you do is cook it, wash it, let it dry and place it in? I guess if i do it i can just rip the baffles out of my old sump and stick a power head in there with the freshly cooked rock.
So that's probbly the easiest option for me, right?

Thanks again Mike! (Sorry for all the questions)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Ask all the questions you need to. We're all here to help each other.
I put the rock right back in the tank after swishing it in RO water. Never let it dry.