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Live Rock

I have a co-worker of mine which is getting rid of some live rock and is offering.

Is there a way to clean the rock before introducing it to my tank. I want to make sure the rock is clean of pests and anything else that can hurt my tank.

Is there anything I should be looking for when picking up the rock.
The best way would be to "cook" the rock for 6-8 weeks before adding it to your main display, put it in a rubbermaid bin with good salt water, add a skimmer and a pump, no lights, this will kill off any unwanted algae growth and some "pest". Do a weekly water change.
IMO it defeats the purpose of buying live rock, you'd be better off buying Marco Rock, use the same procedure above but add a piece of live rock from your main display to seed the new rock after 8 weeks it will be alive ;)
you can literally "cook" it in the oven to kill everything or let it dry out completely and then cure it all over again. either option you will have to recure the rock.
pests to look for...well I'd hope there isn't a mantis hidden away in a nook...if you are patient, they have amazing eyesight and you could wait for it to pop it's beady eyes out at ya...

aiptasia/majano anemones...look it up for pics.

cirolanid isopods...whelks/carnivorous snails...big green brittle star...or crabs.....unless he gave ya a pompom/porcelain/emerald.

if the rock is like gigantic...maybe a frogfish/scorpion fish...LOL. ;) then again while it would eat all your fish - you could have a cool aggressive fish tank!

but seriously - if u remotely think there may be flatworms or something like that - it may be best to just go with the suggestions noted previously.

You're sure your co-worker didn't dose medication in the tank right? Just something to consider...
Im going to be adding the rock into a 125. in addition to the 30 lbs of rock I have right now I have no fish in the tank just some turbo snails (its a new setup running like a month or so.

do you think i sould still cure it or just drop it in my tank and let it cycle again

he told me he didnt do much water changes just add water to tank

but only had one clown in a 90 gal with 80 to 90 lbs of live rock

with a 50 gallon sump

should i cook or just put it in my tank
I would minimally wash it really good put it in barrel and swish it around good repeat then let it soak a few days swish again then put it in
As reeferwanabe just mentioned. Test for ammonia, nitrites & nitrates. When the first two hit zero after 2 or 3 days (asuming they ever rose) do a 100% water change and run again for another 2/3 days. When all 3 are zero it should be safe to add to the tank bacteria/nitrogen cycle wise.

There of course could still be unwanted things in/on the rock.
