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Looking for 2016 Apex setup


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as the title says, I’m looking for a deal on a 2016 fusion setup. Also interested in multiple other modules.

Still need ATK and AFS kits Plus bus cables
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I maybe after some ALDs and 1 WXM module for sale soon.

I’ll let you know in a few days


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What you linked is the fusion brain, I’d like a full kit with probes And power bar if possible as I’m starting from nothing with apex now that I’m jumping ship on the reefkeeper.


NJRC Member
Your use of the word "fusion" has me a little flummoxed. "Apex" refers to the current 3rd generation of hardware controllers and their related modules that are manufactured by Neptune. It includes the original Apex controller, the Apex Jr. controller, the Apex Lite controller, the 2016 Apex controller and the just announced ApexEL controller. (Neptune confuses their naming by marketing packages, consisting of a controller, and modules and probes with the names like "Apex Gold".) "Fusion" is the name of the GUI (Graphic User Interface) software cloud-based application provided by Neptune that allows you to program any and ALL of the aforementioned controllers. Controllers can also be programmed with the "Apex Display Module". I believe the 2016 and ApexEL aren't sold with the Display Module - who would want to spend time clicking on the display's buttons when you can use the Fusion GUI? As Apex modules have evolved they have required more controller computational power, hence the 2016 and EL. The yet to be released Triton Ca/Alk/Mg testing module and the EB832's device monitoring capabilities require this additional power to operate as intended. And, only the lord and Terrence know what is being or might be released the the upcoming MACNA. Hope this helps...


NJRC Member
I actually click on the display module all the time, to enter into maintenance mode or feeding mode. It's easier than using a smart phone, especially when the hands are a little wet.

Now with lighting and powerhead accessible on the cloud, the only thing I really need is Temp and PH monitoring (I am pretty old school when it comes to reefing so I have no need to do a remote water change ;)). I found it hard to justify the asking price but it might be just me.

Full disclosure I have an Apex Classic.


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Thanks every one, I Purchased a brand new in box unit for $650 off R2R.

I’m still searching for other modules such as
- Wav kit
- Fmm kit
- leak sensors


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I have wxm and leak sensor.

Even bnib DOS. Pm your number