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Looking for Acrylic Cleaning Materials

Hello All I am looking for some stuff to clear up some minor scratches on a small 24 gallon acrylic tank that I have.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Being a pilot and every windows and windshield in the airplane is Plexiglass, hands down winner in the industry is Plexus.

It was developed especially for the Aviation Industry, but was then markets to motorcycle and Boating Windscreens. Does miracles on Acrylic tanks by filling in the micro scratches.

Obviously I am talking about the outside of the tank here.
+1 on the plexus. i used that stuff on everything. Also the polish used when you wet sand headlights would probably work well.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Tazmaniancowboy said:
Hey Phil, does this stuff do anything on hazing plexi?

Plexus describes a procedure on their can to "help" with hazing. It involves spraying it directly on the area and letting it sit for 30 minutes, washing the area, then reapply. I had limited success with that on airplane windows, but most hazing is bad scratches, so it may not be able to fill it all.

What does work is reapeated applications. Over time the scratches get filled in more and more.
