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Looking for input on fish addition

I currently have a 120 and looking for input if I can get away with adding 2 clown fish to my current 120 setup which already has a pair
I want to add the first picture to the tank in the second picture. Both are mated pairs
Is it possible? I don’t want to take any chances


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Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
the 2nd looks like a maroon clown species, it would most likely kill the other 2 if introduced. i personally wouldn't do it but Ive seen instances where people kept a maroon species with other species of clowns and it was fine but more often than not, the maroon species gets really aggressive.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
I would not take the chance. If they were all small and added at the same time maybe it would be okay.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I always use an acclimation box for any new fish. Keep them there until I feel comfortable.


NJRC Member
I currently have a 120 and looking for input if I can get away with adding 2 clown fish to my current 120 setup which already has a pair
I want to add the first picture to the tank in the second picture. Both are mated pairs
Is it possible? I don’t want to take any chances
My Dad had 4 Percula clown fish in his 120, most importantly from the same hatch. Essentially, there is the alpha female, the alpha male, the 3rd biggest and the runt. The last two essentially stay in a juvenile form, they get along great. I have them in a 40 gallon now and still have had no problems. Now, putting alpha females and males with another established pair would likely end poorly. Especially with maroons, they are much more aggressive than percula. The only way I could see it work is if you had multiple large anemones on opposite sides. If the clown pairs hosted the anemone they won’t travel far from it. Still, it’s not recommended. Proceed with caution if you do, clownfish can be incredibly ruthless against each other.