• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

March Meeting - Saturday the 28th in Little Silver, NJ

Our March meeting will be held at the home of James (JRWOHLER) in Little Silver, on Saturday, March 28th.



Also we have a guest speaker:

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you and the club our research, and the Academy's efforts towards the conservation of the Banggai cardinalfish and its habitats. It is very encouraging to learn about your club's interest in coral reef conservation and captive breeding efforts of marine ornamentals.
It would be great if the club could collaborate in some way with our research-conservation program. I will share with you more details about it and about our organization ( www.njaas.org -currently we are changing our web site and some components are not updated yet) at the meeting .

I already scheduled March 28 for this talk. I will contact you again to arrange the specific time, and the possibility of bringing a projector to show a presentation.

Best regards

Dr. Alejandro A. Vagelli
Director of Science & Conservation
New Jersey Academy for Aquatic Sciences
1 Riverside Drive, Camden, NJ 08103
Adjunct Professor
Biology Dept. Rutgers University
311 N. Fifth Street, Camden, NJ 08102


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Because we struggle finding hosts down your way! So when are YOU hosting?! ;)
if people have time - they should swing by the Red Bank Vet hospital and check out that 2,000 gallon monster tank.
Went to the meeting RSVP ... and saw a section called covered dish beverage, so I am assuming its a potluck. Nice :D ...

Could I bring anything I darn well please, or are there themes to the meetings (like no sea food please ;D)

Looking forward to putting a face to the screen names and avatars . I just hope it doesn't collide with my cricket schedule.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You can pretty much bring anything you want. Usually as the meeting gets closer you can see what others are bringing so we don't double up on anything....although even if there was two of something I don't see a problem with the group cleaning it up!
I live very close to the train staition too. If you want to take the train it would work great for you.

Better adventure aquarium then a jersey of those cursed Red Wings.


NJRC Member
Hawkeye said:
if people have time - they should swing by the Red Bank Vet hospital and check out that 2,000 gallon monster tank.

That tank is amazing!!! I took our dog down to the dog cardiologist (no joke) and was pleasantly surprised by the monster tank.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Is there any etiquette for bringing frgs for the raffle? We have one we want to get rid of and would rather see it in a good home.
I'm looking forward to meeting everyone. This will be my first meeting, so I'll be the newbie standing in the corner ;D

I put myself as bringing soda, but if there is anything else I can do to help, please let me know.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If you have something to donate to the raffle THANK YOU and you can find an officer to give it to so that we make sure to make a container for it.

Thanks again for the donation. They are always very much appreciated!
Cool, a meeting in Little Silver, all of 2 minutes from my little town of Fair Haven. Yea, I still check up on you guys every once in a while. No, I still haven't restarted the hobby yet. I miss that noisy box of water in my living room.

I still think about getting back in, maybe seeing reef geeks at a meeting might stir the interest. If it's ok with you guys, (and whomever the Host is) I'd like to stop by.

I think I still have a couple of never fired vho bulbs in the garage, and maybe one of those giant bags of Magnesium from that group buy. Anyone still use that for anything other than melting ice:)

Phyl, sounds like you plan on coming up, give me a call saturday when you are heading up, I'd like to stop by, but knowing me, I'll forget about it next saturday.

It would be cool to see you reef heads.

Kelly (Hef)



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
HEF! Too cool, man. I'll touch base with you as it gets closer to make sure you remember! We definitely still use that GB mag. Good stuff! Looking forward to catching up!