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missing green bubble anemone

Just wondering if anyone has ever had this happen to them? On Saturday after leaving the meeting i stopped at the hidden reef (great store by the way) and I picked up an anemone and clownfish (wife loves them) i know anemones have need strong light and i have 175 HM and 2 27 watt PC on the 29 gallon when we woke up sunday the tank was very cloudy and my coral beauty and a damsel where dead and the coral all looked unhappy the clown, chromi, and Mandarin where all still alive. i moved them to my 90 gallon and all the coral also. I then removed all the rock in search of the anemone and he is no where to be found? no overflow and it's a closed system so there is no way out for it. just wanted to get some ideas. could it die and almost disappear in the process?
eric croker
They do disenigrate and turn the water cloudy.

Weather it disappears totally depends on your clean up crew. Most likely it died
what kind of powerheads do you have in the tank? it's possible it moved overnight and got caught in the intake...possibly getting shred.
i have 2 rio 600+ don't think that could have got him have a hob filter also but it's still a mystery to me i hated losing the 2 fish also. think the coral and fih will be ok in the 90 until i can clean everything and start again.
eric croker
Hi Eric,
I'm sorry to hear what happened. I have also 29 gal with green bubble anemone and two clowns hosting it. Now I'm upgrading to 90 gal and will not transfer the anemone, my clowns started to like fuzzy mushrooms, so if you want to give it another try you are welcome to have it. It's nice and safe, since I have it for two years. Let me know.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
There are generally 2 ways they could go: Catastrophic (you'd see traces of it from the powerhead and/or it would pollute the water) or they hide until they disappear. If your tank didn't turn white or have an ammo spike, there's a good chance it is hiding under a rock. The do this sometimes if they don't like the available light or the flow.

Have you flipped rocks looking for it?