Do mollys have an adverse effect on the eco-system in a salt water reef tank?
C chazotte Nov 11, 2006 #1 Do mollys have an adverse effect on the eco-system in a salt water reef tank?
C chazotte Nov 13, 2006 #2 Here's a link from Reef Central with some pretty good discussions about having mollies in SW tanks. In short, the links say that mollies are great algae eaters, providing food because they produce so many babies and that they 'poop' ALOT. Not much on whether they can help cycle a tank though.
Here's a link from Reef Central with some pretty good discussions about having mollies in SW tanks. In short, the links say that mollies are great algae eaters, providing food because they produce so many babies and that they 'poop' ALOT. Not much on whether they can help cycle a tank though.