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Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
They said I was mad!

So, in adding a few new sps to the system I, probably much to Bot’s happiness, decided to check parameters on one of the tanks and start to get serious about things.

Tank hasn’t been tested in months.

Dosing has been - ‘I don’t think I’ve done anything to the tank in weeks, I’ll just add a few dashes of X’

Water changes are maybe 2-5g per month.

Results of this complete disregard?

Alk - 7.2
Ca - 430
Mg - 1280
Phos - 0.01
Salinity - 1.024

The Gooch

NJRC Member
Looks good. Maybe bump salinity up to 1.025-1.026 to get a better element composition. Also verify the salinity with another device or another reefer. You’d be surprised how many guys run wacky salinity even with calibrated refractometers. Only device I trust these days is the tropic Marin glass hydrometer.

What’s the nitrate level? If it’s also low, maybe boost the nitrogen into the system and feed more. Aka fish shopping lol


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Looks good. Maybe bump salinity up to 1.025-1.026 to get a better element composition. Also verify the salinity with another device or another reefer. You’d be surprised how many guys run wacky salinity even with calibrated refractometers. Only device I trust these days is the tropic Marin glass hydrometer.

What’s the nitrate level? If it’s also low, maybe boost the nitrogen into the system and feed more. Aka fish shopping lol

agreed! i have the milwaukee salinity tester and hanna hand held to reference if i feel like something is off. i need to get one of those old school glass hydrometer as a backup.

i like to keep my salinity in the 35/36ppt and make corrections if it drops below that.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Bot is probably mad as you don't test , dose when ever and parameters are pretty good. While he tests and dose regularly.
It's is too funny