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My clowns are finally hosting.

After about 3 months my clowns finally stopped hosting a colony of Zoanthids and found the RBTA about 3 inches to the left of the zoas. I thought they'd never find it.

It's funny cause I asked Ralph, Camz, what i should do. He told me to take out the Zoas and they'll look for something else. I tried that and my clowns attacked me. So I just let them be for a couple months.

About a week ago they started letting the RBTA touch them and they would move away. I guess they were getting stung and building up thier slime coat?

Then tonight when I got home from work they were chasing eachother in and out of the Anemone. It's really cool looking. It also looks like one is more dominant and more protective of the RBTA.

I'll post some pics tomorrow. Just thought I'd post this now cause i'm kinda excited.
Haha. I've been a little lazy today. I'm going to Will's to get my camera at 5. I'll post some pictures tonight when I get back.
Sorry it took so long ... I was watching the Giants suck. Here's one picture for now. I'm sorting through a bunch that i'm going to post tomorrow.

Nice, My clowns wont go near my anemone. They hang out at the top of the tank I the corner. Wish they did. Its the main reason I wanted them.
a1amap said:
Nice, My clowns wont go near my anemone. They hang out at the top of the tank I the corner. Wish they did. Its the main reason I wanted them.

Don't give up hope. It took mine close to 4 months to finally get there. Try taping a picture of Clowns hosting to the tank. I laughed when I heard it but I did it for a couple of weeks anyway. Didn't really work right away but maybe 3 weeks after I stopped they went and hosted.
I noticed that about mine too. One will come out and the other stays in.... maybe one day they will lay eggs and I can try my luck at rasing some little clowns. I'm not holding my breath.
I imagine it would depend on the species of clown and the type of anemone...in particular I think it different when you are talking about clowns born in captivity...where all they have ever seen is a powerhead. The nemo (I mean percula) I purchased was a little tiny guy and was in love with the SEIO pump. After all, frogspawn suddenly became the place to live. In the past I had a maroon clown and she forced the condylactis (which typically are fish eaters) to be it's place of residence. I think it took her all of 10 minutes to figure it out. I am btw - not at all encouraging the practice of getting a condy and hoping they host a clown...it was a fluke in my opinion that that happened. After all maroons live in the pacific and the condy was from the gulf of mexico.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Taping a picture of a clown hosting in an anemone works wonders (as silly as it sounds).

Great picture of the clowns hosting, Mike. Congrats! Good luck with them breeding for you.


NJRC Member
My clowns were pretty happy in their frogspawn when i first got my BTA. I used my hand to chase them towards the bta and after about 15 minutes they dived right in.

Maybe not the most humane way, but it worked. ;)