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My first, FOWLR, 44 gal pentagon

Well let me start by saying that this tank was supposed to be a FW system until my son saw "Nemo" at the store. So I do some research and begin. I currently have a 44 Gal Corner Pentagon with a HOB Fluval C4 filter, T5-HO lighting(2 daylight/2 atinic/ +led moonlight). Tank has approx. 61 lbs of LR and approx 2"-3" bed. Current inhabitants are 2 Occ. Clowns(1"-1.5"), 1 Purple Firefish(2"), 1 Hippo Tang(1.5"). Current CUC is 3 Blue Legged hermits, 3 Nassirius snails, 3 Astrea Snails, 1 Bumble Bee Snail, 1 Red Legged Hermit, 2 Cerith Snails, and various other critters courtesy of the LR. The system has been running about 5 weeks now and all fish have been added in the last 2 weeks.
Now on to my issues.
1st: I now know that the Hippo is will get way to big for the tank. I was given some wrong info about this but have decided to hold on to it because I am already trying to talk the wife into a bigger tank to be introduced around Mar/Apr.
2nd: I am currently trying to decide between a Protein Skimmer, HOB Refugium, HOB Skimmer/Fuge combo, or a RO/DI system. What are your thoughts on this? The only water I have available to me is RO only from the LFS's. With That said I think my fliter is a bit under powered for this tank so Im leaning towards the skimmer and or fuge. Speaking on the filter what is the thought on removing the carbon pack and sponge and replacing with more LR. The filter does already have some bio abilities already?

Well I guess I'll just start with that. Im sure I'll have more questions as I really want to get this right. Thanks in advance
Welcome to njrc, graz!
The good new is that the clowns and the fire fish are appropriately sized for a 44g, and should be just fine in there, so three out of four were very good choices for a 44g tank. Will the hippo get too big for a 44g? Yes, but you already knew that and it sounds like you understand that either a larger tank or a rehoming will need to be in it's future. How big is it now?
Regarding the inverts, you might want ti figure out exactly what "other critters" came in on the live rock; it is possible that you got good critters, like porcelain crabs, but it is equally possible that you got bad critters. Try taking some photos and posting them here if you can't id the critters yourself.
Please note that bumblebee snails, while adorable, are carnivores and are predatory. Watch those other snails around the bumblebee.

When it comes to equipment, I highly recommend a protein skimmer. A hob filter would have been fine for the firefiah and the clowns, given the tank size and comparative bioload, but with the tang In there, you will need a skimmer to handle the bioload in my opinion.
I would imagine you are running this system sumpless - if that is the case, I'd suggest an Aqua-c remora HOB skimmer. A fuge is a nice addition, I like the CPR HOB fugues, but that is up to you. Given the light bioload, i would not say it is a "must" with your current inhabitants.

As far as an ro/di system, I cannot speak to that. I also buy my ro/di water from an lfs at present. Hopefully, someone else will chime in there.

When it comes to your current hob, I have to admit I am unfamiliar with the fluvial system, but here is what I can say generally about hob filters in salt systems:
1. They work ok for keeping fish and invert only systems, so long as you stock lightly and keep up with your water changes and don't so long as you are careful not to pollute the water by overfeeding. For me, the biggest problem has been overfeeding.
2. If your filter came with a biowheel or bioballs or ceramic rings to culture bacteria, they will cause more harm than good over time, in my opinion, trash them.
3. Using activated carbon with tangs can be problematic. Some people believes it can contribute to HELLE. However, activated carbon can be important when a tank is newly established and/or there is an overabundance of nutrients polluting the water. Have you tested? What are your nitrate levels? Nitrite? Do you have ammonia? Is there algae growing in your tank? How much and do you know what kind? The decision to remove or keep carbon in your system is one that will be dependent on the answers to those questions. As for removing the filter pad, many of us who run skimmer less filters (and a good number of those who have a skimmer) use either filter floss or filter pads. So long as they are removed/replaced regularly, at least once a week, I see no reason why you should stop using them.
Are you using the fluvial carbon? How frequently are you changing it?
Does your filter have a sponge component?
Good luck with the new tank, I would love to see some pictures, and welcome again to NJRC.
The tang is currently only about 1.5". As for now it seems pretty happy nipping all day at the algea on the rock and surfing in the power heads.

As far as the "other Critters" go I have seen tons of arms at feeding time, if I had to estimate I'd say at least 30 mini brittles, I have also seen mini feather dusters and christmas tree worms, and at least 5-6 bristleworms. I actually knew about the bumble bees I was gonna pass but my son wanted one so I got only 1.

I was looking at the remora, and at the CPR skimmer/fuge combo.

I have been testing usually evey couple days or so. Ammonia has been 0 until a few days ago and now Im getting .25-.50, nitrites have always been 0, nitrates were 40, now they are about 20. I recently tested the RO water I was getting and noticed that it had both ammonia and nitrates in it. I wont be going back there. Where are you located that your LFS has RO/DI?

I do seem to be going through a Diatom bloom, but im told this is normal and it happens from time to time.

As for the filter it supports all three levels of filtration and all are replacable a different times. I just replaced the carbon and its been in about a week. I usually clean the sponge during the PWC. I normally squeeze it out a few times in the old water. Same goes for the ceramic rings, I give them a quick shake in the old water to get large particles off and replace. Im really thinking that I'll just stuff some bulk filter floss(cheaper) in the sponge holder and fill the rest of the filter with live rock rubble. Too much LR cant hurt right? I can always add carbon if i really need it, and pull the rubble for a bit.
I think that covers it. Thanks
Watch those ammonia levels, they aree high. I would immediately do a water change- a large one. You might also want to look into adding an instant cycle product like biospira or dr. Tims to your tank asap- it sounds like you are going through a cycle. Definitely change your filter pad and your carbon. I like chemipure elite- try that. As far as the filter pad/ filter floss debate goes,go right ahead.
Get rid of the ceramic rings.
Make sure that there is not crud accumulating in the bottom of the filter chambers.

I buy ro/di water from tropaquarium, one of the NJRC's sponsors.
I believe reef to reptiles sells it as well; they are also a sponsor.

I don't have any experience with the CPR skimmer and fuge combo, so I cannot weigh in on it's relative merits.

I would say that if you cannot get your water parameters in check in the next few days, you should consider rehoming the blue tang immediately. It is a sensitive fish that cannot typically tolerate any ammonia.

Wheree did you get your rock from? Was it fully cycled when you bought it? Was int transported wet, and immediately placed into the tank?

A diatom bloom is normal, the ammonia spike you are experiencing is not and indices a problem.
I have been doing weekly PWC's. I went through my cycle before I added fish and assured everything was normal as in 0 before adding. I think my cycle was not strong enough. Im gonna pull everything out of the filter and rearrange. Right now the water comes in and goes through sponge then chemical then bio. Im gonna fill with LR then add a floss layer before water returns to DT.
Can I still add the instant cycle with fish in the DT? Will it harm inverts? My numbers have been slowly dropping since I cut down on feedings, I was really feeding alot. 2x a day without regard to how much. Now im down to 1 every everyother. The fish actually seem to eat better.
The rock was fully cycled from multiple sources and transported wet/damp.
Thank again
You can add an instant cycle product to the tank with the fish in it, it will not harm them or the inverts. It is essentially a live bacterial culture.


NJRC Member
It might just prolong/make the cycle worse if you do a large water change and pull out all your filter media at the same time. I would do the water change and stick with what you have in the filter until the tank stabilizes for a bit. Then switch over your filter media. There is a lot of good bacteria in the filter that you will just be throwing away.
No worries, apparently a just don't know how to read a test. Numbers are perfect across the board. had it checked at two different places. Even at the stores I thought I saw somthing that was not there.
Today I just added to the CUC to help with the diatom bloom and I wanted them anyway. Few more nassirias, cerith and astrea snails and couple more hermits. Thanks for the assistance
Just thought i'd add some pics. Also I just ordered my CPR Aquafuge 2 PS today should be in soon. Enjoy



Thanks for looking
Cute little tang...guy is smaller then the firefish.:encouragement:
Don't worry about him being a problem at the moment, you have a while before he is too big.
On another note the ceramic rings need to go...that is probably the source of your nitrates and ammonia. Do water changes till you get it down and keep the cannister filter clean without putting the rings back in. Floss, carbon, phosban are ok but keep them fresh.

With the rest I agree with Nikki just follow her advice.
No worries about the readings, apparently im color blind. The nitrates have also come down since I learned how to feed properly.

As for the HOB Im pretty sure Im gonna scrap it anyway, so the rings wount be an issue neither will the sponge for that matter. I have a refugium/skimmer on the way, and have been told by a few people that when combined with my large amount of live rock coupled with the combo unit I will no longer need the filter. If I ever find a need to run carbon or other media I will just add it on later.
Yep what you have and if you add a skimmer/fuge you will be pretty good. Sooner or later you will need to move the hippo but for now your good. Glad things are working out.
Well I just wanted to update with a few pics. Thanks to George(Hammer), Herbie(Slimer +xtras), and Paul(Frogspawn) I got myself a good start on the corals. I also added a Platygrya today. Also plans are in the works for the upgrade most likly a 75 gal. not sure if im gonna go rimless or not. I like the rimless but i could use the extra money elsewhere. Most likley it will not happen until after X-MAS, hopefully gifts will take care of most of it. Gonna be a lot of question on that one, hope you guys are ready. Well here are the pics, enjoy and let me know what you think.





Thanks for looking


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Heya John. The hammer looks happy there. I see you have that one other lil branch on the left. Probably not a bad idea to split it up and see which spot it likes best. :cool:
Well I went to Hidden Reefs big sale today and came back disappointed. In my opinion coral selection was the pits. did pick up some salt and my son got a free betta. Anyway in my bid to find someting somewhere i went over to Allquatics, they still have quite a few of there frags from the swap there and they were cheaper then the they were at the swap. Got myself 2 frags there $25 each guess thats good.


That will go along well this Grinch Monti that I got from Jason Fox at the swap.

Got this at the swap also from Zoanthids.com but I cant remember the name anyone here that can help me with that

And finally just a few pieces that I got from some local reefers, Captain America Paly, Eagle Eyes, and Acans

Anyway thanks for looking. Enjoy
Well it's been a long time since I visited this thread. So I figured that since this tank is gonna come down in a few weeks I would post some final pics to see the progression.
First of all I can't believe I actually titled this"FOWLR". What a joke that turned out to be. Here's a final FTS.

Big difference from the original shots. It's a bit stuffed right now since I took down the nano. Everything is in here now.
Here are a few growth shots. These really amazed me.




Exactly 2 months ago


I really hate to break this tank down. I do do little with it it really is amazing. If it wasn't for the scratches and stained glass I might keep it. But the 90 is cycling and will soon be ready. My wife thinks I'm crazy for taking it down. She's not so sure the other tank will be as nice. More pics coming.
Here's a few more pics. Sorry for the glare in a few of these.






These zoos came with the rock when I got it. I'm gonna be selling the rock if someone is interested

And my monti's. Which are my favorite corals.





These next two pics are of one of my favorite montis. Just can't get a good pic. Can't remember what is called either. In person this has a purplish body with polyps in many colors. Green, yellowish, orange, red and I can make out different shades of some of those colors too in the polyps.


Anyway that's it. Hope you liked them. Soon this tank is gone and all will find a new home across the room.
Home in waiting.