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My inexpensive RAP buy..

Got this guy following Robs eagle eye and its fast become a favorite. Just hope it does well. It tends to close up from time to time, but has a great color contrast for my tank as well as a nice texture. And only cost $15...

Very nice. I almost picked one up myself but didn't want to deal with feeding it separate. I got this one instead.



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Blueberry gorgonian, non photosynthetic. They can be kept alive and that is actually a nice piece. We did really well with them when they were spot fed unhatched and newly hatched baby brine.
Blueberry gorgonian, non photosynthetic. They can be kept alive and that is actually a nice piece. We did really well with them when they were spot fed unhatched and newly hatched baby brine.

I have been feeding it reef chili, can I get away with that?
From liveaquaria, boy I didn't think it was this tough:

he Blueberry Sea Fan is also referred to as the Blue Gorgonia or Blue Tree coral. Blue is a very unusual coloration for any coral, and this Sea Fan will make a great showpiece or centerpiece to any reef aquarium. The red or orange base color with intense blue polyps differentiates this variety from other sea fans.

The Blueberry Sea Fan is peaceful, but it should be given adequate space away from neighboring corals or anemones. Underwater epoxy is commonly used to anchor its base to a piece of live rock in the reef aquarium. It is more challenging to maintain this species, as they require supplemental feeding several times per week. This Sea fan is not photosynthetic and requires a low level of lighting to ward off a build-up of microalgae. It also requires a stronger water flow and the addition of iodine, calcium, strontium, and other trace elements to the water.

Because the Blueberry Sea Fan is not photosynthetic, its survival is dependent on regular and frequent feedings of micro-plankton, live, baby brine shrimp, or foods designed for filter feeding invertebrates. This Sea Fan should only be maintained by the skilled reef aquarist in a well established reef.


Officer Emeritus
I got one after you got yours but I also got the free bottles of Reef Nutrition Phytofeast that they were giving away. Wish me luck :) great tip about the baby brine shrimp Mike


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Timing is everything. This is weird.

Last week I was at the right place at the right time and got a fairly large blueberry gorgon at a fairly small price. Not 10 hours ago, just before bed, I thought... 'self, we have to figure out some stuff about that new coral'. And this morning, viola, you and Mike have given me a clue.


Tonight I shall be thinking of a new Cadillac. I can't wait to look in the driveway tomorrow morning. Black or silver is acceptable.

I got one after you got yours but I also got the free bottles of Reef Nutrition Phytofeast that they were giving away. Wish me luck :) great tip about the baby brine shrimp Mike

I missed a free bee, damn! Found this option:



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
.......Tonight I shall be thinking of a new Cadillac. I can't wait to look in the driveway tomorrow morning. Black or silver is acceptable.

Making arrangements right now....should be there by first light tomorrow....not new, but slightly used....and it's black! :grin:



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Woohoo, a classic!

My wife will love the fact that I have something else to dump loads of time and money into!


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I picked up some phytoplankton and have been mixing in a little bit of Coral Frenzy (assuming any dry coral food will do) then target feeding the gorgon every 3 days or so.
The thing is going nuts (plus the other corals are benefiting quite a bit as well).
Just an FYI.
