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My MRC is Female – Taming the Beast


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
So I’m finally convinced that my MRC Skimmer is female. At first I would have thought male, being able to single task only. However, while growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, my dad was convinced that his cars were females, and gave them appropriate names. I can now understand his logic in coming to this conclusion.

My MRC is very finicky and extremely unpredictable. You look at it funny, you just barely touch her valve, you leave the room, you do nothing, and off she spews, spitting out excess water for no good reason. No matter what you do, you just can’t keep her happy. Sound familiar?

So I started giving this some thought! I could either shower her in flowers and jewelry, with great expense and minimal success, or I could try to figure her out. If successful, certainly worth a Nobel Prize, don’t you think?

I noticed the gate valve leaving the skimmer is position so that the handle to the valve is straight up. When you adjust the valve, the disc inside closes down, restricting water flow, creating a crescent shaped closure. With my skimmer, you have to throttle down this valve quite a bit. I’m sure the crescent shape is quite small. The one problem with this is that the restrictive closure is easily disrupted by the smallest piece of debris coming through the skimmer. So that a piece of cheato, a snail, whatever, comes through the skimmer to this opening, and BAM….that extra restriction of flow causes the skimmer to go nuts. I’m just guessing it’s some debris, I don’t know for sure, but whatever, the proper running of the skimmer is set by the restriction of this opening.

SO, here’s the idea. Install the valve upside-down. That is, the handle to the valve is 180 degrees to the way it is set up now. I can’t do this right now, but when I build the cabinet to hold the skimmer, I think I give this a try. Here’s the thought process…and please let me know if I’m a idiot on this one. (Actually I know I’m an idiot, so maybe you could just re-enforce this to boost my idiot confidence.) The flow of water leaving the skimmer will now first be disrupted by the damming effect of the valve closing. (NOTE that when the valve was the other way, nothing happened until you got to some restrictive position.) I’m thinking that the damming with start to have some effect on the production of bubbles in the skimmer chamber. Eventually (actually very quickly) the water will waterfall over the edge of the closing valve. You continue to close the valve with the damming effect and partial water restriction causing the skimmer to run correctly. Now if a piece of crud comes through the skimmer to restrict the valve, there is “room” for that excess flow to waterfall over the partially closed gate valve.

And that is how you tame the beast…in theory anyway.

Now she probably won’t talk to me for a week.


Skimmers were always a pain to keep running for me until I got the BubbleKing. That thing is set it and forget it.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I don't seem to have that problem with my MRC. My biggest problem is the air injectors clogging. Do you have any type of strainer on the intake of the skimmer? I've been running my MRC for a few years without ever having anything get caught in the gate valve...although I don't actually know how wide open (or closed) the "gate" is.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Brian, your query concerning a strainer brought up the fact that I am running a MAG 24 on this skimmer....without a strainer. Of course the MAG 24 is a bit of overkill, and when something goes wrong, it goes wrong real fast, and with a lot of volume. This is just temporary. The final installation will be with an external....pump…can’t remember, but whatever is recommend....at about ½ the flow rate. Hmmmmm, maybe that’s the problem. ::)
interesting thought there...i have the same issue with my mrc. One day running great - then bam trying to overflow the waste collector. But placing a strainer (or sponge) on the intake - wouldn't that also lead to issues as it gets clogged up?

A thought (on this late night):
Employ filter socks I guess. Do you run with filter socks red?
Filter socks should help ... of course you are running a massive pump so the slightest change creates a fountain.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Well, my first thought to adding a sponge or filter sock or something on the intake was...

Isn't the job of a skimmer to remove debris from your tank? If you stop the debris from entering the skimmer, then it won't get them out. Of course you might remove some of them when you change/clean the filter you put on, but that just seems like added maintenance to me.

I say find a way to get the skimmer to work without filtering it so it can do it's job properly.

My guess is that your pump is simply too strong for the skimmer. They recommend a Mag18 or BlueLine55. If you get a pump with a bit less flow, you should be able to open the valve more, thereby reducing the chance of clogging with a bigger opening.

I don't have that skimmer, so it's a bit hard for me to follow that "flipping the valve" solution. Sorry I can't comment on that.
I was just on the phone with a skinner company. They recomended a Iwaki pump. Stated that it had more power than a panworld of the same rating. So in saying thet. If you need to close the gate valve that far I would think the pump isnt working very well.Can you borrow a bigger pump to try out.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The manufacturer recommends 1100 gph pump (an external pump). I am currently running a MAG 24…that’s 2400 gph….that’s more than twice the rating of what is recommended. The skimmer is getting plenty of flow…if anything, I would think the extra flow past the beckett is cause for greater air “suck.” Does anyone actually meter down their air intake? I have mine wide open.

FYI, as soon as I drill the sump, I’ll be installing an external pump, more in line with the 1100 gph.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
But do they recommend 1100 gph flow or pressure rated? I run a 1500 gph pressure pump...big difference in flow.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
MRC’s actual recommendation is:

BL-55 (PW-150PS)

When you go to their pump information on the Blue Line, here’s what they say:

1100 GPH Pressure Rated Pump
Model BL-55 HD (NH-150PS)
Inlet/Outlet Fittings: 1" MPT / 1" MPT
Max Head Pressure: 28 ft
Speed: 3,000 RPM
Power Consumption: 180 W
Comparable to: Iwaki MD55RLT

Now I know as much about pumps as I do about saltwater reef tanks...and when you total that up, it equals nothing!

So what’s the difference between an 1100 gph Blueline versus 2400 gph MAG??? Are we comparing apples and oranges? Again, I don't know.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Re: My MRC is Female – Taming the Beast

Again, I admit, I’m an idiot...is a MAG “pressure rated?” 

So what you are saying is pressure rated gph is not equal to non-pressure rated gph?

Oh, and FYI, the height of the skimmer intake to the pump is about 2 1/2 feet.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The Blueline (pressure pump) has no head loss. So it will hold that GPH rating up to it's max head. The Mag 24 will start losing flow in the first few feet. I'm pretty sure the becketts like to have that pressure powering them.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Brian, thanks for the info. I’m eventually going to an external pump (pressure pump of some kind), as soon as I find the pump (it’s here somewhere), and drill the sump.

Thanks again.