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Need Advice Re Hogfish

Hi All,

I have a 135 Reef with a mix of Soft, SPS and LPS corals on lots of live rock..The fish contingent consists of..3 Medium Tangs
(Hippo/Yellow/Vlamingi); a couple of 2-3" wrasses; a percula clown; 2 watchman gobies; a Flame Hawk; and a 2.5" Twinspot Hogfish.
All get along well, eat a variety of both dry and frozen foods and there are lots of hiding places.

I would like to add a 3" Peppermint Hogfish. The conventional wisdom suggests that I do not do it because it would not get along with the Twinspot Hog.

Any Suggestions???


Since I didn't get a response, I took a chance and added the Masuda (Peppermint) Hog to the tank and so far, have not had a problem with either hogfish.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
That's great. Do keep us posted with their progress as the new fish settles in.
Jcurry...sorry it took a while to RSVP.. I bought the Peppermint from Aquatic Obsessions about a couple of weeks ago. In fact, I also bought the TwinSpot from them several months ago. Both are doing well and eat a variety of frozen foods as well as my own blend of flake foods. They get along OK. Suspect this is due to a combo of factors..large tank, lots of hiding places and a small difference in size with the Peppermint being the larger fish that was added after the smaller TwinSpot.

Aquatic Obsessions is located in Avenel on Rte. 35 North. The owner's name is Will.
