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Need Advise on Salinity - ASAP!!


NJRC Member
[background info]
- I got something from Local Fish Store...
- For unknown reason, just for fun, I tested the Salinity on the water from the store, the reading was way high (1.030)??
- beside wondering... I am doing what i need to do to acclimate the fish.
- it then suddently hits me... that - MAY BE MY HYDROMETER IS WRONG?  (that would explained why some of my corals seem not doing as good as before??)
- i pull out the cheap cheap hydrometer to test my water - sure enough... it shows an 1.019!!!!
- i use my Refactrometer RHS-10ATC to test it again, it shows 1.025!
- to be sure i am right, i rush to the fish store and ask them for help to test my water...  it is indeed 1.019.

[bottom line]
- i know now that my refactrometer is bad...
- and i wanted to target my tank back to 1.025 (i know i will need to put salt in the sump slowly a little bit at a time...)
- i got a 210-gals tank with fishes and corals...  how soon is the time frame i should adjust it from 1.019 back to 1.025?  within a week? sooner or longer?

- please HELP to give advise ASAP!

thanks you all in advance to helping me with this matter...

thanks and regards,
Sorry to hear you are having problems David.

I would take some time to restore it. It probably has been like this for awhile and rushing won't help.

I would mix new saltwater with a high salinity, probably about 1.030 or a little greater, and do daily water changes of about 10 gallons at a time. Remove 10 gallons and add the new ten slowly. I'd try to bring the SG up no more than .001 a day.

Many people run less than 1.025; usually around 1.021 - 1.022, so I wouldn't panic over the 1.019. Just take your time.

And don't add salt to the sump. New salt water should be mixed, aerated and brought up to temp for a day to allow the chemicals to achieve their natural balance.

Good luck!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
For top-off water use highly salted salt water. I would bring it up as much as .002 a day but .001 is a good save conservative measure.

Good luck and above all else DON'T Panic!

Also have you tried re-calibrating your hydrometer? Does it calibrate wrong?


NJRC Member
blange3 and phyl,

thanks for the advise... i will do it slowly...

and yes, i was wonder about 3 months back when i buy coral from a new store and noticed their water is 1.030... (duh, no click at that time...) so, it probably been mis-calibrated for a long time (it would even been always like that since i got it from day one - a year back...?!

and yes, phyl, i did use the cheap cheap hydrometer to test and then re-calibrating the meeter it to the same level... i will bring my refactrometer to the Feb. meeting, and will need you guys help to make sure it is PERFECT...?!

many thanks to you all...

Best regards,


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You can calibrate it with RO water. Just put some RO on there instead of SW. It should read exactly zero with RO on it. Certainly bring it along with you to the meeting though if you'd like!


NJRC Member
thanks for the advise...

i would've NEVER thought of that...!!

you are so smart!! i guess that is why you are the Queen of the club...!!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Lots of people here are a whole hill smarter than me, I can tell ya! I'm a relative newbie to this whole reefing thing. All we can do is learn from each other and hope not to make the same mistake twice.

Ending up in the Hot Seat was pure luck! ;D


NJRC Member
thanks for the info...

there is no such thing call LUCK....

i am sure you are well deserved!!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
steve68 said:
my salinity is around 1.20 to 1.22
just bring it up slow.

You keep your salinity that low Steve? or is it I keep mine way to high?

I have been running 1.025 - 1.026
brian because of the way my top off is hooked up it allways lowers the the salinty.
i try to keep it at 1.22 & it takes about a month for it to hit 1.19 & then i add 15 cups of salt to a 5 gallon pale mix it & let it drip over night then it goes up to 1.21 then i do the same thing the next day to get it to 1.22.
just remember what works for me may not work for others, im just giving input that
the reef tank is not going to crash if it reads 1.19.
on the other hand my 50 gallon is at 1.27, & i check that one more then my 210 cuz thats where i keep all the sticks


brian, NSW is 36ppm or 1.025-.026. my stick tank is the same.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Okay.. I thought I was missing something!

I do keep my FOWLR a little bit lower than that.. 1.023 - 1.024