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Need help with a table coral (acro?)

This is my first sps.

I put in in my tank about a week ago. Hi up near my VHOs

It looked in good shape for a few days, and then I went on a trip to San Diego. On my return, it seems to have lost some of it's flesh.

I did notice that before I left the areas that seem to have retreated didnt have any polyps on them.

I'm somwhat concerned about this... other coral in my tank looks healthy... frogspawn, xenia, star polyps, zoos, shooms, etc.

Any ideas?

I have 4x96W on a 70G (3 ft wide)

BTW here are my water params:

Temp 78.6
pH 8.1
Salinity 1.026
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ca 430 ppm
dKh 11.2 (4.0 meq/l)
Mg 1380 ppm
tables are usually the most demanding of acros. they like the most light and flow generally. I would doubt you are cutting it with the vho's, but that might not be the only reason (it will probably turn brown for you). Tissue recession in tables (i have read) is usually caused by inadequate flow. Place it in the highest flow spot in your tank. Also I would snap off the braches that have stn'd/rtn'd and maybe put some superglue at the cut point to help.