How often to you calibrate your neptune controlers? Ph and Temp.
RichT said:After my recent experience with a quickly out of calibration PH probe resulting in a 5 gallon bucket of dead SPS, I'd suggest at least once a month. I'd also suggest a using a separate monitor as constant backup check. Both started out with the same readings but they're starting to drift by a couple hundreds and it's been about a month since calibrations. When they get close to a full point difference, I planed on recalibrating at that time.
PMolan said:If I could make my own calibration fluids, I would check it monthly. All of the fluids I buy seem to expire 6 months from the time I bought it. Also, If I knew a given substance was 7.0, I would at least stick the probe in it once in a while to see what it reads.