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New Bare, er Bear Pix

It's not mine, I was holding it for someone!


Mumma, come back!


I'm going, I'm going


Wait, is there any more jam in the jar?


I guess not.


Exit bear




Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
That's pretty cool. Just out of curiousity, what's it like now that she's been poking around there for a few months? Are you guys scared, cautious or comfortable with her and her cubs stopping by? Like, do you lock the doors and hide under the bed or can you go out and rub her belly?
Wow that's awesome! Where are you located? A girl on my "girls" message board just posted that one was in her yard most of the day today.
JohnS_323 said:
That's pretty cool. Just out of curiousity, what's it like now that she's been poking around there for a few months? Are you guys scared, cautious or comfortable with her and her cubs stopping by? Like, do you lock the doors and hide under the bed or can you go out and rub her belly?

Sort of in between those two things. We mostly don't want the dog to face off with a bear.

The bear in the bottom shots is a different bear, he has a tag in each ear, a real veteran. One year we had some five or six different adults, some pretty scrawny. Some have black faces and some tan.

The bears around me are total cowards, the mama with four cubs ran away from a yellow lab even when she had her cubs with her. I don't rub their bellies (although the little guys are pretty cute) but I don't hesitate to go in the yard with them to snap a picture or chase them away. The one with two tags gave me a little front foot stomp (bear agression move) but it was half hearted. He didn't want to go because he found a jelly jar that another bear had dropped. Uusally we bolt our garbage can closed, but it was forgotten that day.

I have smacked one in the butt with a big stick, and used my slingshot to move the along.

I don't mind the big freeloaders, I get a kick out of seeing them. I understand they kill some livestock (a bear ate my neighbor's bunnies right out of their hutch. Not so cute.) You need to not let them get the garbage or they will be your bestest friend and come over to your house every day! And cleaning up after they go through the trash is a chore.

I would not like any more bears than we have right now!
Wow, that is just AWESOME! Great pictures. I would LOVE to see a bear in the wild - seriously.

But Jim, when you said that one of them had a tag in the ear, I automatically pictured the Steiff Bear like this one. :p

Those are just too cuddly.
I can tell you from personal experience that the Steiff bears smell better...if I had a Steiff that big, imagine what it would bring on EBay!
We got some nasty wild turkeys here in Haledon, been chasing my neighbor around his house, which was actually pretty funny, and didn't let him get into his car because they jumped ontop.