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got a new clam today from some people say must feed live and what would that be that's small enough? Trop. recommended esv spray dried marine phytoplankton its a powder you mix with your water from tank clam is only 2.5 inches derasa
Never fed any of my clams either, the only thing I do add to the tank is Marine snow once a week when I remember : And I have 1" maxima's and larger clams, 8 in total.
small clams (smaller than about an inch and a half) benefit from feeding. Since most clams available in the hobby are over 2 1/2 inches, these do well without any kind of strategic and supplemental feeding. If you feed your fish with frozen foods and/or a decent flake, any remnants in the water column will be used up by the clam and should suffice. Clams will do well if your lighting is decent, but make sure that your Calcium levels are up to par as well since they will need the calcium to build a strong shell. Your deresa is a fast grower. It's not uncommon for these little guys to add one or two inches in a year, some even more.
Post a pic! I've never seen a deresa for sale locally that is under 3 inches, that's gotta be a cutie!