• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

new guy here

Hey all, I am new here, I live in southern bergen county, been keeping a reef tank since about 95. My presant tank has been up since 97. Small changes here and there and one temperature enduced crash in 2000. I have also moved the whole setup once, only across town but I hope to be moving it again soon as my wife and I are presently looking for a larger house. I am a mechanic and a TWU local 504 shop steward working for teterboro airport and have been there for 11 years. I am married with a newborn son. Besides the tank we have 4 cats and 3 birds. (lost our dog recently) I am also a member of RC and TRT. I hope to see you all at an upcoming meeting. I'll have a bunch of frags soon for trade and also have some extra mangroves.

blueTbird, I have been watching your progress on your 105, it is looking great. I think I told you once I had some mangroves when you were ready, I still have some spares......let me know when your all set.


As you will see, I get my rock on Sunday. about a week after that I'll be looking for Macro Algae. I'll let you know. Thanks.

I have been using the groves and chaeto. So far so good. I have a little bit of calurpa but it doesn't grow real good in my system....actually the chaeto is pretty slow also but the groves have been growing good. That is about the opposite of what is considered normal.
