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New Rock Scape


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Nice !! I like the separate island. What are your plans ? Lps? Softies? Acros?


Staff member
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NJRC Member
Looks good. Have similar but I added small flat ‘platforms’ throughout mine. That way I can mount SPS easily in their own little areas, and if I ever have to pull them in a few cases I can just break off the platform. Might be a consideration.
Turned my whites up and blues down for a pic…



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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Looks good. What do you use to hold the rock together? Glue and or mortar?


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NJRC Member
Get a thin liquid cyanoacrylic superglue from Amazon (stuff is like water).
Break up some rock into fine/superfine sand/dust with a hammer.
Place scaping rocks where you want em, find a gap, fill with a bit of the fine/dust rock.
Squeeze a bit of the liquid superglue on it.
It’ll steam, stink, and burn your eyes AND dont let it get on your hands.
Makes a fantastic solid bond, can be broken but takes more effort than anything in your tank can manage.
If you look at the platform under the anthias, you can see the bond.
I used this method to bond the big structures as well, but filled a lot of gaps around each piece to make it solid. Knocked it over (a couple of times) and, though built of 10-12 pieces, it just went ‘thud’ with no damage. Can easily lift the entire structure out of tank if needed.


NJRC Member
Did exactly what Mark described glue and crushed stone. Like the platform idea and will definitely try to incorporate more. Have three separate structures that will piece together in tank making it look like 1 big structure. Planning on sps dominate in this tank. Taking it slow and trying to do it right. Thanks for the feedback. Will post more as it comes together.


Staff member
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NJRC Member
Thanks. Was interesting and fun putting it together as was so out of the ordinary, as I’m sure you know. Here’s the other side…

Your’s looks fantastic as well. Love this creative sculpture thing as opposed to previously just stacking rocks.


NJRC Member
Learned my lesson from 1st tank. Did the stack thing and every time I touch anything rocks move and fall breaking all the corals. Great if you like fragging. Wanted something more solid for this tank.