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New Tank need help and suggestion

Hi everyone, and MOD please move my post to appropriate forum
I finally convince my wife (real boss) to let me upgrade to 180 gallon tank ( i propose the upgrade idea and she's silent. silent mean agree or neutral thus, I move forward :)). I will bring the tank home (buy it used from a our member)on this Saturday. I currently has 125 gallon tank. I also currently have like 3" sand bed. I would like to go bare bottom this time. I have worms in my tank. I would like to sterilize my rocks. Would anyone please recommend me a right approach on sterilize rock and reuse it in my 180 gallon tank? I would like to keep Anthias and Wrasse in 180 gallon. What should I do to keep the tank cover so fish don't jump out.
Please let me know
lots of options for the cover, but i would use window screen, i think egg crate reflects too much light away from the tank. but as for sanitizing the rock, i used a product called revive. it's a coral cleaning type product, comes in a white bottle, dip all the corals and the rocks. i dipped everything but my clam in it
I have the Revive. is this stuff going to kill all of those critter such as fireworm? I also have some atapsia and green hair algea on my rock. anyway to get rid of these things before I put it back in the tank?
i believe revive would kill a fire worm, but not the aptasia or the green hair. if you want to kill the green hair quickly, then take all the affected pieces, and let them dry and bake in the sun. save the pieces that don't have any algea or aptasia, dip them for the fireworms. and keep them wet, cause you're gonna need those to help cycle the rocks that you let dry out. jmo
congratulations on the big(ger) tank!

I agree - if you want to "discard" the fauna on the existing LR - just let it bake/dry and that will kill everthing.
I will take those bad rocks out and let it dry on my deck inside a container. Do i need to cover the container from the rain? I will also deep the good rock into revive. What should I do after I deep it into the revive? Should I put the deeped rock back into the tank or separate it from the tank? logically, i should separate deeped rock from the tank right. I have a container that I can fill up with good rock and add 1/2 fresh salt water and 1/2 saltwater from the tank with a pump to keep it running in the garage. What should I do with all the live sand, 3 inches. :) should I clean it and put it into my refugium?
thank you veryone for your suggestion.