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New to forum but not the hobby!

Hey all, My nme is Elliott and I am almost 20. I have a 55g reef tank that is looped into a 40g breeder plant tank with a 5.5" DSB and all that is looped into a 20g sump. Unfortunately my 55g tank trim is cracked and the tank is starting to bow. I really need a new tank and am looking to upgrade to a 90g. Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and show you some pics of my tank/s!




Here is a pic of my plant tank. This pic is a few months old. the mangroves are touching the llghts now so I had to uproot them and lean them at an angle. I also have gotten rid of the cheato and put some caulpera in there. I also have a few strands of halodule wrightii (shoal grass).


And here is a pic of the halodule wrightii.

Is it your center brace that is broke
If so you can fix it with a little weldon acrylic glue

Welcome to the club
Nice setup you have going there

Yes, as a matter of fact it is the center brace. I have some clamps holding it together now, but I want to upgrade anyway.
Clamp the baby back together where it should be and get a piece of acrylic the same size as the brace and glue it with Weldon 16 and it will be good till you get another tank



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Welcome to the club! VERY cool algae/plant tank! (and the 55 is pretty nice too ;) )
Hawkeye said:

can i ask a dumb question? why the hyena for an avatar?

Hyenas are just about the coolest animals out there. Especially the spotted hyena, aka laughing hyena. If I had a license to keep these animals and a large enough area, I would do it in a heartbeat.
Cool I was just wondering. What an interesting leap from hyenas to reef keeping. By the way - I also like that planted tank - really unusual and interesting.
Thanks. When I get my 75g set-up I will be incorporating the plants into that tank as display as well, yet will also be a reef. I am not sure how it will look, but I hope it looks good.
a reef? or you mean a sea grass biotope? Maybe have SH or pipefish DT?

That would be tough though (especially if you plan on more 2 month hiking trips!!)
Call me weird, but I had a dream about a week ago about my tank. In the dream, I was setting up a new tank and a few months were going by and I was trying so many different possobilities on how to aquascape my tank. Well, ya know how sometime at the best part of the dream you wake up? Well not this time! I figured out how I want to aquascape my tank!

Picture the tank and on the right and left side of the tank there will be a wall-kind of thing if LR. I will then make an archway connecting the left and right, and the archway will be made of smaller bits of LR. I will use PVC pipe and zip-ties to connect the rock to insure it doesnt dall. On the sand between the piles of rock will be seagrass or caulerpa. I know about caulerpa taking over, but figured I will take a chance. On the archway, I plan on having GSP grow on that. where the other corals go, maybe I will have a dream about that tonight :)