OK, two weeks ago I decided to create a small "Brine Shrimp Factory" hatcher. I weighed the cost of going to the LFS every other day and the actual cost of the brine against buying the materials and hatching my own.
No more need to go to the LFS for food anymore. This system would prove cost effective over 5 months.
Having done my homework, I went and purchased all of the needs including the shrimp eggs (I think about 3 trillion or something like that..... WOW). Now I am being told by another LFS that; "Feeding your fish live brine shrimp every day is like feeding a person potato chips every day. The can survive on it, get a full belly from it, but with absolutely NO nutritional value whatsoever. And sooner or later the fish (person) will ultimately die from mal-nutrition."
Did I shoot myself in the foot here? Should I take this advice as good? Should I take it with a grain of "Reef Crystals" salt?
??? I am not the slightest bit confused now.......... NOT
No more need to go to the LFS for food anymore. This system would prove cost effective over 5 months.
Having done my homework, I went and purchased all of the needs including the shrimp eggs (I think about 3 trillion or something like that..... WOW). Now I am being told by another LFS that; "Feeding your fish live brine shrimp every day is like feeding a person potato chips every day. The can survive on it, get a full belly from it, but with absolutely NO nutritional value whatsoever. And sooner or later the fish (person) will ultimately die from mal-nutrition."
Did I shoot myself in the foot here? Should I take this advice as good? Should I take it with a grain of "Reef Crystals" salt?
??? I am not the slightest bit confused now.......... NOT