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No skimmer

What happens if you don't have a skimmer (or at least a good one?)

I purchased a SeaClone 150 for a 120gal w/ 30 gal sump in January. The tank was only a few weeks old when I added the skimmer.

At first, it pulled ALOT of stuff out of the tank. However, the liquid was always very dark, not the caramel color I have seen in some other skimmers.

Now, I barely get anything. I feel like it's a waste to even run it. What could happen if I don't purchase a better skimmer or just get rid of the skimmer altogether?

FYI, My tank appears very healthy; fish, inverts, live rock, mushrooms, soft corals, gorgonians, anemones, xenia and digi's all doing very nicely. The skimmer has pulled almost nothing for about a month now and all readings (nitrates, PH, etc.) are excellent.


Keep it running, it'll only help.

I had something similar with my Deltec AP600- It pulled 3 liters of dark skimmate the first week, and now I'm down to 1/2 liter every week. my corals have lightened up a bit, so I know it's till working. Now I can feed heavier, yipee!

IMO, getting rid of the skimmer allows you less room for error. Besides, you don't want your fish to be swimming in their own waste anyways :)
Absolutley check out your skimmer. Make sure bubbles are still being generated.

Do not remove your skimmer at all costs. Who wants to eat (Swim) in their own mess? I suggest everyone getting a skimmer event for the freshwater guys.