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Nomal progression or is this a problem?

Fish are doing great, most corals doing well. Tank is approaching the 90 day mark. Phosphate is 0, nitrates are 0 and other parms are good.

I went through the diatoms and then slowly developed the following hairy substance. Not 100% sure it is an algae or a bacterium. Here is a picture. Its beige and somewhat hairy but looks mushy...

Any ideas?

I have the same thing going on in mine. My tangs took care of a lot of it surpringly or at least I think they did. I think its a normal progression of a new tank.


NJRC Member
It's probably some sort of hair alge and it's beige because you prob don't have enough nutrients to make it green.. Just a thought. As long it doesn't get out of control I wouldn't worry to much