Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Sorry guys. The link to the page does not seem to be working (although it is correct).
Well closed for safety concerns in Pemberton
By: Mark Zimmaro
Burlington County Times
PEMBERTON TOWNSHIP — Township officials said they are taking a cautious approach in shutting down the main drinking water well in the Browns Mills section. Well No. 11 off Trenton Road showed a level of radium that tested above the state Department of Environmental Protection’s standards for safe drinking water.
Though township officials were not required to shut down the well, they decided to pull the plug shortly before Christmas as a precaution after the Dec. 16 testing. The well is one of six that were in service in December.
Officials said that the chances of health risks because of the well are minuscule and the demand for water is much less during the winter months.
“We’re taking proactive steps not required of us that we feel are in the best interest of the residents,” Mayor David Patriarca said Wednesday. “We figured we can shut this well down at a time of year when we don’t really need it and not jeopardize anything, just to be safe.”
Patriarca said residents affected by Well No. 11 will be notified by Jan. 21.
The township’s wells are tested annually. This was the first occurrence of radium in Well No. 11, officials said.
“It is important for the residents of the water system to note that this is not an immediate risk,” municipal engineer Chris Rehmann said in a report to the Township Council. “However, certain minerals are radioactive and may emit a form of radiation known as alpha radiation. Some people who drink water containing alpha emitters in excess of the maximum contaminant levels over many years may have an increased risk of getting cancer.”
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sets drinking water standards and has determined that radium poses health concerns at certain levels of exposure. The EPA determined that the lifetime risk associated with drinking water containing radium affects 1 in 10,000 people.
“This means that if 10,000 people were to consume 2 liters of this water per day for 70 years, we would expect to see one additional concern in the 10,000 people exposed,” Rehmann said.
The township is looking into alternatives to compensate for the loss of the water source, such as cleaning Well No. 11 or revisiting wells that were shut down in the past because the township no longer needed their services.
No problem. I'm surprised that they waited this long to inform us. That was released today. I remember many years ago hearing rumors that the water was bad in BM but never like this. :