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O&A Virus Tour?

Anyone else going to the show Sat night? Went last year and had a blast. Even if you don't like O&A it's just a great comedy show. Should be a nuts!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'd love to go but we're not going to be around. We'll be at MACNA for the Camden show so I'm going to have to miss that one too. Maybe next year . . .

Enjoy it. It should be a good time.
Packing the car now. I went last year and is was a blast. This time we get to see Lewis Black one of my favorites. Have fun ;D


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
So, how was the show? Definitely a killer line up, especially with Black in the mix.

I'm sure it was great. Can't wait to hear the details.
It was awesome. It was all new material from them except for Saget but he was still funny. I stayed late met them all and got some nice autographs on a poster. My brother in-law broke his ankle and had them all sign his cast. I thought Lewis was the best but really they all killed. I’m now considering going to Camden for the last one. The parking lot was better then I expected considering the no drinking ban. We just kept it hidden and in solo cups. Everywhere I looked people were drinking but as long as it was low key and you looked of age the cops were cool with it. I got the $10 dollar lawn seats and even with the fees where else can you see 8 top comics for a 3+ hour show for under $20?
I highly recommend people put it on the calendar for next summer if you missed it.
$10 seats? We had lawns but they were $25

Awesome show! Got a couple buddies who don't remember a thing. The parking lot was really cool, everyone was chill and really didn't even see many cops at all, think I saw 1 all day. It was brutally hot though, the alcohol just sweat right out of ya. Most people anyways ::)

Cooled off right around showtime.

Thought Lil Jimmy had the best act ending the show. Otto and George's act is always the same though. The intermission was insanely long, probably almost an hour. Other than that, had a blast