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Ocean Gallery II, North Plainfield, NJ

Well after being disappointed about not getting the fighting conches in the group buy plus the fact that my cucumber is on strike (as in MIA) - I went to OG II and picked up two fighting conches. As usual Chris and Brian were there to help. So far so good these two guys are doing their job. Unfortunately the elephant-like trunk/mouth grosses out the wife. But she endures them more than the turd-like critter...err i mean cucumber. ;)

thanks guys!


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Went here for the first time on Sunday and was very impressed with the whole experience. We were able to pick up some corals and a new cherub angel fish along with some fish foods that are not carried around us. The staff was very helpful and made the whole experience very easy. You can spend an hour just looking in this store.
OGII is really stepping up. They are now a must stop at store when ever I m down on Rt 22 or near by.

Went there last week and pick up some addatives, a nice gomezi frag (It is the most intense blue!) and a very sweet convict tang that is in great shape!
just visited them today. what a great guy! brian helped me out and was very courteous!! i was amazed at the amount of corals they had, and not only the amount. but the diversaty!!! tons n tons of different corals!! i wanted three acan frags, he took three large colonies and cut them for me right on the spot!! and even better, i was only suppose to get one polyp of each, and i got like 3-4!! would never hesitate to buy from there again!! thanx og II!!
Tomorrow I will be getting my 2nd/rest of 1st order from Brian. Doing my VooDoo chant that everything got sent BRIAN! :eek: ;D lmao.. Great Customer Service for those that want to order online and were unsure. And the Store itself is amazing when i did go there
yea these guys are great to deal with ordered from him last week got a great deal with shipping thanks brian
OG seems to be 1 of the few pet shops that has an amazing customer service like they have now. I've went into many fish stores to only have people ignore you like your not even there.
I'll add one more thing, thier selection of "reasonably" ($30 or less I think $15 is the lowest) priced coral frags is second to none I have seen. SPS, LPS, zoas too.

Not that I can get there often as it's out of my way, but I rarely walk out anymore without one frag in hand. There's allways something worth while.

They always have some ORA stuff too if you've got the cash ;D