• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

October 2013 - POTM Announcement!!


NJRC Member
Hello! - Reefer Fellows...

October of

it is time for the NEXT POTM again!

Its easy, Its fun, you get to show off your pretty fishes and amazing corals from your collections!

The winner will receive a $20

Hurry up, Bring them on!!! Your winning image will be posted on the NJRC HOME PAGE!

SO now is the time --- lets start sending in those winning image(s) today ...
last day to submit your image(s) is
October 20th

Please Send your best shot(s) as
attachment(s) to : photos@njreefers.org
Please put POTM - USERNAME in the subject

Please remembered to NOT submit any photos that have been previously posed on any local forum, or online...

The Official Rules listed here:


Just curious.

What program do you use to down size the photo's? I noticed it also reduces the quality of the photo's as well.

Also what size could we down size the photo's too so there would be no additional down sizing necessary.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Just curious.

What program do you use to down size the photo's? I noticed it also reduces the quality of the photo's as well.

Also what size could we down size the photo's too so there would be no additional down sizing necessary.
I believe most people use Photoshop to resize the images... at least I do when I need to.

It's probably better if you send it at around 1024 x 768 because we want a larger version that people can see when they click on the one in the poll. David will make a reduced version to fit into the poll.

Also, another tip to help on the quality when reducing is to use "Bicubic Sharper", which is generally best for reducing pics. I believe the default is Bicubic, which is best for smooth gradients. And try to keep the scaling the same if possible as any distortion of scale will stretch out the pixels.

Hope that helps Josh.


NJRC Member
thanks for the help to explain...
see more inside below...

1. One of the reason we need to downsized it is?
- sometime we received original pics with 4272×2848 in sizes, when you try to click open it, you will only see 1 portion of it, it is impossible to see the whole pic... so we must down size it.

2. The second reason it would be downsized is?
- For whatever legacy constraint reason, we used photobucket to stored/hosted the pics, after we uploaded the ORIGINAL, photobucket auto-resized it down to 1024x768.
- however, the 1024x768 size seems to be a good trade off, it is not too big, also not too small, it just fit in a post nicely...
- having said that, starting this month, we will be hosting all the pics in NJRC host, so in theory we can use any size we want, but for this month, we will continue to use 1024x768 until we decided to change it later?

3. what program to use?
- for the poll, we downsize to smaller image as 350x??? with the same proportion...
- we just use any program to resize it with default, and not apply any filter to it, they may all look better, or all look worse, at lease it is consistence for all.
- for myself, i used these 2 software apps - depend on which computer i used at that time: windows (polyview), for mac (Gimp)

4. should you make your pic as 1024x768 to submit?
- it is up to you...
- we encouraged everyone to gave us the biggest original size if possible - reason being there was a talk from time to time that we could made a NJRC calendar with these great POTM pictures, and one of the problem we facing is - most of the pics are too small and can't get good quality to be enlarged to use for calendar big size image...
- having said that, we still stored all the original from the past, if we need to we can dig them up for whatever purposes...

5. side note on NJRC calendar:
- if we pick each months winner as the themes, we will have 12 months, and they seems working perfectly...
- however, in the past, we some time don't have any photo submissions for as long as 3 months!! and even we do - some photos were too small (like taking from mobile phone with 800x640 in size and won!)
- on top of that, where to print, how much for the cost, the selling price, whom would be coordinating this...etc. hence NJRC calendar were never fly YET ! may be we can stir it back up...??

Hope this clarify how we got here from the past, and where to go in the future...!?
Thanks for the responses. I was unaware that you could see the original photo by clicking on them.

The reason I asked is I know last month the photo's I shot were in the raw(high quality) and when they were downsized they just looked a little grainy.

I guess the best bet is to just send them in how they are originally formatted and leave it up to you as of now.
