• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

October meeting...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Jeff, Thanks for opening your home to us, feeding us well and hosting a great gathering. I had a wonderful time (as did my kids! cool train setup). You all made us feel very welcome. Great food, great conversations, great meeting. Thanks again!!

Thanks to all who participated in the discussions. The participation of the members really makes the club. I felt like it was a really productive meeting.

Kabal, thank your wife for me! My kids love the pumpkin, as do I!

Steve68... Take good care of that baby, man. We'll all know the score if you disappear out of the club. We look forward to seeing the brain that could grow. Monthly progress pics should suffice!

Nagel, sorry your memory card got erased. Better luck next month.

I should have some pics up after the pumpkins are in bed for those of you who were unable to attend.
Thanks gang, see you all in November!!
Jeff thank you for hosting the meeting, i had a good time even though i was a goofing with everyone but itt's all good :) i coulnt help my self.

Phil now i know the pressure that u fell if something goes wrong:)
the brain is doing great i all ready fed it & it came right out to eat.
i will take great care of it & keep u guys up to date.
here she is in my frag tank i will move her to my show time later in the week
Definately a good meeting!  Plus the bonus of not a long drive for me :)

We gained a member or two, and Jeff, a BIG thank you..  

Phyl, I managed to save one pic..  hmmmm  

Yeah, I unfortunately had to miss the meeting as well. My wife "asked" me to help her parents with something at the last minute, and it ended up taking till 9 pm!!!... :mad:


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Did somebody say pictures?! :)


Now I think I was saying...

I'll take it!






WOW looks like a great turnout. Sorry I couldn’t make it. Thanks for updates and pics.
So what were the prizes? And who won them other then the brain? (Congrats Steve keep her safe ;) )


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Good time had by all and a very productive meeting. Thanks for having us Jeff. BTW, has anyone heard from qwerty? How's he making out with that red socks audit?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
RichT said:
Good time had by all and a very productive meeting. Thanks for having us Jeff. BTW, has anyone heard from qwerty? How's he making out with that red socks audit?

From what I'm to understand he got about 1/3 of the audit done. We'll have to wait for the pictures!!
I'm working on the SOX audit. so far there are no red sox - only white

I didn't get home till late last night - i got really lost .... well, actually I played volleyball till 10:00

I'm going to try to edit the photos this evening and email them to Phyl.

here's really silly question... how do I post a picture in a thread like the ones above?

Great meeting, thanks you Jeff and family for opening your home.

Steve the brain looks very happy, best of luck.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
ebqwert said:
here's really silly question... how do I post a picture in a thread like the ones above?

You need to have your photos up on a photo server (or your own space somewhere) and then you use the following syntax:


Thanks for working so hard on the audit. I think you missed mine but I'll have my sox available at the next meeting.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I've always admited to being a bad speller.....but I thought it was spelled S•O•C•K•S?     I guess you learn something new everyday.

I hate to be a NAG(ativity) but would you hurry up that audit!!!!!  (last comment sure to be edited out shortly :D )


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
sharks said:
So what were the prizes? And who won them other then the brain? (Congrats Steve keep her safe ;)  )

Prizes were:

ebqwert: Cool blue tipped SPS (club stock), yellow star polyps (Donated by ALTI)
DOswari: Stag (club stock)
ReefDrumz: Ricordia (Donated by ALTI)
DFlint (in his typical fashion): Zoos (Donated by ALTI), Pink Hydnophora (donated by Phyl)
Kferrari: Green Hydnophora (donated by Phyl)
Sergio: Slimer (club stock)
Steve68: The Little Brain that Could (good thing Jason tore his tickets before leaving or scandal would have ensued) Donated by BluesTraveler!

Please post pics of your prizes once they settle in, gang!

Steve 68 donated a rock of cooooool green shrooms that will be raffled off at next month's meeting and a bunch of salt that will go into the raffles as well. THANKS, STEVE!

Everyone got to take a little something home from the Member's only raffle. The members only raffle was stocked with things courtesy of FragExchange, Seachem, Kabal2 and various other sponsors.

Some of the items won in the Members only raffle were Additives, test kits, pellets, pumpkin, reef dip, carbon, ammo alerts and a Seachem shirt.
It was my pleasure hosting the meeting.  We did have a good turnout and a lot of raffle items.  Steve68 thanks for the zoas & cap and tip for the RBTA.  I feed them each a cube of krill last night.  I'll feed them everynight to help get their color back.  Kabal2 thanks for the Nemo/Dori pumpkin my son (& I) love it.  I hope everyone had as good time as I did.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Yes I agree, Great meeting everyone! Thanks again Jeff!

You will have to get updates on my ricordea from Rich. Since he
forcefully took it from me.

He mumbled something about an audit and 100% cotton socks, then said what are you doing with that ricordea? I cowered and handed him the ric.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus

btw, make sure you pm me your address so I can send you your Mag Float scraper attchment....YOU GOT THAT ? :mad: