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Our new chameleon


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Well went to the reptile show today and promised my wife I wouldn't buy anything.
Below is the 3 month old Translucent veiled chameleon I bought. Pic is okay was trying capture a cool morph but didn't get it in time.




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I went to the show in Hamburg not NY. Tried breeding them but no luck. Had high yellows and leuistic morphs. Sold them all.
It cost $75 at the end of the day and some negotiating. I have a Senegal I have selling for $30 but may have a buyer. If he doesn't want it I'll let you know. Here are two pics:
3months ago when purchased-

we have patternless albinos, raptors, aptors,eclipse, and giant tangerines. We have about 30 eggs incubating at the moment. just started breeding them again. i used to have about 30 adults that i bred and about 15 pairs of poison dart frogs i bred.


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Baby Amjano were $250 and they were 2/2.5 inches from snout to base of tail.
My son has 8 dart frogs. 2 bumble. 2 azurus, 3 mints, and 1 green/black. The leos produced eggs but none were ever fertile and they were almost 2 yrs old. We are now trying turtles, mainly box turtles.


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Greg, that price was just for reference. Not many chams at the show. Only others were Jackson and Mellers.
i did alot of thumbnail darts. started out with a few auratus (hawaiian) and tincs ( citronella,regina) then moved into the thumbnails due to the young pretty much raising themselves as opposed to larger darts that are VERY hard to raise up. Ended up wth about 5 pairs or trios of pumilio, pair of brazilian nut, imitators and red-legged and grey legged vents... will post pics soon

I've been away from reptiles for 30+ years. Chameleons were like Moorsih Idols were; beautiful, available but no one could keep them alive very long. We only saw Jackson's and Senegals then.

Now there are many more varieties and folks are breeding them! Note to self; do not learn anymore about reptiles! Must not start a new hobby! :eek:


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Scotty, have dart frogs too. My son wants to get pumilio's.
Bill, they are easier than a reef to care for.
they were by far my favorite ones. i have some blue jeans, pair of bastimentos, and one set of almarantes. i still have some supplys if you would like them. fly cups,maybe some cork bark, and if he has a mist system i have a load of nozzles he could have