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Ph issue. Help if you can.

OK ... I've been running a very low Ph. 7.8-7.9 and it's really bothering me. I don't want to add buffer and i'm not sure how to raise it without throwing my system out of whack.

There are only one or two corals that seem to be unhappy with their polyp extension almost nonexistant but everything else seems to be happy.

Ph - 7.8/7.9 (ACjr/calibrated twice)
KH - 10.2/10.6 (Salifert)
Alk - 3.66/3.77 (Salifert)
Mag - 1440 (Salifert)
Nitrate - 10/20ppm (Salifert)
Phos - 0/20ppm (API)

Any advice would be much appreciated.
No. I dose with RedSea "Calcium +3" until I get my Kalk Reactor and Ca Reactor hooked up hopefully next month. I have the Ca Reactor now but I don't want to risk lowering my Ph. any more than it is, as the CO2 will effect the Ph.

The buffer is SeaChem "Reef Buffer"
What are you using to test with? My PH probe was way out of wack and I found out that I was wrong when I was testing.
MikeM said:
Can you run an air pump to outside air?

I have a window that's slightly open about 4 or 5 feet from the tank. I've had it open all winter. I'll open it all the way for a few hours a day if you think that may help.

jazzsam said:
What are you using to test with? My PH probe was way out of wack and I found out that I was wrong when I was testing.

Using my ACjr with pinpoint probe ... I've calabrated it over and over to make sure it's correct. I'll do that again as well.
Also I used to run my fuge/sump on an oposite light cycle than my tank so when my tank lights were off the fuge/sump was on and visa versa and they over lapped for about 4 hours.

Ever since this drop in Ph I've been running my fuge/sump light 24hours... hoping it would help. It hasn't done anything that I can tell.
you can try dripping kalkwasser manually at night until you have your kalk reactor setup. I think you have an auto-topoff system already, right? You'd have to get like a two liter bottle (or bigger) and mix up the kalk powder with RO water. Shake it up like you're making a martini, let it settle, and then move your auto-toppoff system to pull water from that. You just have to be sure that you're pulling water from the top of the kalk water, otherwise you'll pump in some of the powder. in the morning add more RO and shake it up again :) Before you know it, you're Ph will be up and you'll have broader shoulders.